RP Name: MadEthan6
Time Zone: Chicago
Link to Steam Profile:
SteamID: 76561198432301582
Current Gametracker Profiles:
Estimated Server Time: no fucking clue
Languages I Speak: English
DarkRP Related
Explain "Random Death Match" and give an example scenario: rdm is as when some body just shoot and kills some one pretty basic almost every gmod server has it but if someone has a kos sine up witch stands for kill on site i can kill you without getting in trouble. let say i some retarted kid walks up to you and shoots you and kills you you report him but no admins show up then he keeps killing you but you cant shoot back without a reason because of nlr and revenge rdm but when i get mod this will not be a problem anymore a quick 123 and hes never seen again
Explain "New Life Rule" and give an example scenario: let say i kill you because you were kos past my line in my base then you come running back and says that's not fair or start harassing me that's nlr and some servers you can kill someone if they nlr.
Explain how you would handle the following situation: check logs then do the normal proses of ending the sit or dealing with the problem
Explain how you would handle the following situation: ban his ass if in reason to other wise jail warn etc.
Why I should be chosen (we recommend a minimum of around 150 words):bro ill play the sever god nose what for a long time and i can be really "friendly" most the time and can easly be loved by people and i take care of any propblocker rdm's and sits fast and easy and can get back to other problems and ithink ill be very helpful when it come's to not have spawn protect at spawn so people can propblock rdm in spawn ill be the 2nd easiest fix for that problem and ill get to know all the staff and active members and hope to rise the ranks and become someone important to the server ill lisen to my superors and take care of and teach people below me when i do get promoted i will also help new comers so the server zarp can get a good first impression instead of what i got when i loaded back into the server propblockers rdmers i couldn't leave spawn until a admin had to join and that what like a full 10 or 15 mins of rdm and propblock