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TOPIC: [TTT Moderator] 2B's Application

[TTT Moderator] 2B's Application 7 years 4 months ago #719799

Steam Name: 2B
Link to Steam Profile: steamcommunity.com/id/YoRHaType2B/
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:105696207

Link to GameTracker for the server: www.gametracker.com/player/2B/play.zarpgaming.com:27017/
(changed my name for memes so gametracker listed me as two players)

Languages I speak: English, German
Explain "Random Death Match" and give an example scenario: RDM or Random Death Match is for example when Player X (innocent/detective) kills Player Y (innocent/detective) without any proper reason. This includes but is not limited to: Player X just felt like it; Player X thought the other could have been a traitor. All in all killing your own teammates is against the rules and should be punished.

Give three examples of an acceptable KOS and its scenario:
- Player X has a weapon out that is only accessible for traitors without being proven or is in a place that is only accessible to traitors (T room).
- Player X just walks by unidentified corpses without even trying to identify them.
- A detective/innocent spots Player X planting C4, resulting in a KOS from the innocent.

Give two examples of unacceptable KOS and their scenarios:
- Player X says something like "KOS the person in the tower". KOSes on locations are not valid as other players could be in the tower that might not even be traitors.
- Player X KOSes another player without any proof that the KOSed player is indeed a traitor.

Why I should be chosen (we recommend around 100 words):
I'm mostly online in the evening to about an hour after midnight (using GMT+2 as reference) on weekends, almost never seen other staff being on that late. Still trying to get more ontime on the server as I left for about 4 weeks before coming back a few days ago. I get along fairly well with other players including some of the staff members (I'm looking at you two, Miia and Shadow). As far as I know there haven't been any large scale complaints against me. It has been a while since I used the ULX menu, but with a bit of training it shouldn't be too hard for me to get back into it. I'm almost never AFK on the server (except when I go to eat or I need to leave to help out at our voluntary fire department).
  • YoRHa 2B
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A strange game. The only winning move is not to play.
How about a nice game of chess?
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[TTT Moderator] 2B's Application 7 years 4 months ago #719800

269% :support: make my waifu mod plz
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[TTT Moderator] 2B's Application 7 years 4 months ago #719801

Yeah you better be looking at me and miia

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this is my steam btw (by theway)
i was old ttt super admin and murder super admin :(
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[TTT Moderator] 2B's Application 7 years 4 months ago #720027

Thanks for applying for staff at ZARP TTT! During our weekly staff meeting your application, question answers, game trackers and in-game warnings are checked and then the staff team votes on your application

We just wanted to say Congratulations! The staff team has voted to accept your application, which means you’re now a part of the ZARP staff.

Before you get started, another admin will help train you on the server and get you setup with your new rank. There’s also a handy guide created by the community which should help you get up to speed with your new menus & commands. And don’t forget you can always ask another staff member if you’re not sure about something

ZARP TTT Staff Meeting – Every Sunday 7PM UTC

There’s a weekly staff meeting for the server at the above time, which is held on the ZARP Teamspeak server (IP: ts.zarpgaming.com). You now get a vote on the new staff members and we’ll keep you up to date with new events and server updates at the meeting.

Congratulations and thanks for supporting ZARP!

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Moderators: Joshua, MadMagic, pizza, JustGurp

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