RP Name:
Mr Pear
Time Zone:
UTC +1
where are you from?
I come from The Netherlands
Link to Steam Profile:
Current Gametracker Profiles:
Server 1 -
Server 2 -
Server 3 -
Estimated Server Time:
Around 11k minutes = 183hours
Languages I speak:
I can speak Englisch,Dutch,German,French and Arabic.
Promotion Related:
Explain how you feel that your time as a moderator will contribute to you becoming an admin:
My time as a moderator was fun and fullfiling because i helped people, made them happy because they couldnot RP with that rulebreaker. And becoming a admin will be so great because then i can help people more with the powers I didnot had before. But overal it was a great experience because i learned helping both people in a sit and not only the victem I saw the staffteam from a other perspective because when you are a user and you make a f1 it sometimes take like 20min because there are so much f1s made every singel day and the staffteam has to solve those and I respect thay.
Explain a situation as a moderator you encountered that was an obstacle you had to work around (EG: defiant user):
Force selling doors and demoting AFK in spawn, those 2 were the main problems because people mad a lot of f1s on S3 when there no admins on only me and they begged me to do it but i simpely sad "I am just a mod, i dont have those powers" not that i am ungreatful but its just i let them down.Also a problem I sometimes had was that a player made a f1 to check if there was any illigals in a building base, I couldnot fly in there and look and if there wasnot a player inside I couldnot TP in that house so that is to a bit frustrating. Also a bit of a problem was when there was a succesfull nuke launched and there were RP houses in spawn all those props couldnot be removed if the owner was AFK.
If you had to write a facebook post to train a moderator in between 200-300 words, what would you say to give them the full grasp?:
Welcome to the staff Team!
Welcome to the ZARP staff team, congratulation on reciving the rank moderator, We are starting your training for mod now,
( "X" Represents the players steam id, or name)
/goto X -
Sends you to the player
/bring X -
Brings the player to you, if there dead it will revive them
/teleport X -
Teleports the player to where your looking
/back X -
Returns the player to there last position
/freeze X -
Freezes the player in place (becomes invulnerable)
/kick X -
Kicks the player from the server
/warn X -
This adds a punishment to there rap sheet, 3 recent punishments is a kick
/unwarn X -
Deletes the warning
Always use steamID because if you do /bring sam it will bring everyone with sam in there name(made my mistakes to).
on the TAB menu you see everyone in the server, when you click on someones name you see the options you can do with him like: bring, teleport,kick, mute and ext.
F1 menu-
The f1 menu is different compared to the menu for users, users make f1s and the staffteam when the open the f1 menu they see the active f1s made and if there owned or unowned, When you own the first f1 you always tp to them and ask what they need and if there is need to go on the roof or a safe place. When the f1 is finisched you can mark the f1 as finisched.
The f1 menu also contains information that is needed in a sit like: arrest,droppedmoney,kills/deaths, disconnects and reconnects and defibs.
F6 menu/rapsheet-
You can acces it by clicking f6, It shows all the previous warnings and punischments of the player.
And the last thing is you can use admin chat by typing @ or ///, feel free to ask someone for help or asking something that you dont know. See you on the server
Explain how you would handle the following situation:
Player x appeals their ban in great detail, apology and effort. You check the ban list and find that you banned them permanently for propspam, and that this is their first ban. How would your response to the appeal be?
Thank you for taking the time to make such a detailed appeal, seeing you haven't any previous bans, I have decided to accept your ban appeal but please re-read the rules as this is just a stupid thing to do and to prevent you mistaken yourself again.
Why I should be promoted (we recommend around 150 words):
I am a very active player that loves the community, but at the same time a lot and a lot needs to be done to this community but when your a moderator sometimes people say "listen to a admin the otherone is just a moderator" and breaks my hearth to hear that because we as moderator have not much impact on the community. I believe that if i become a admin I will havea much bigger impact on the community and will help with a lot more f1s then usual, It will be much easier and faster to solve f1s and i can do much more of them. I have the power then in banable situations like scamming and will not have to wait until a admin comes online, I will just help the community bit by bit
Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to read the application it means the world to me <3