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[SSRP Moderator] ELITE #POORNEEDMONEY Application 7 years 4 months ago #713543


Time Zone:UTC+04:00
Link to Steam Profile:
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:198756141
Current Gametracker Profiles:
Server 1 - www.gametracker.com/player/Bob%20Cash/da...arpgaming.com:27015/
Server 2 -Haven't played on this server cuz not ton of people play it.
Server 3 - same reason as server 3.
Estimated Server Time:103+Hours
Languages I speak:English and Arabic

DarkRP Related

Explain "Random Death Match" and give an example scenario:
Mike was walking down the streets in zarpgaming DarkRP. The a guy came up to him and and started killing him for no reason. That is RDM. When you will kill someone you need a good reason or role play. Can't just kill anyone without a reason!

Explain "New Life Rule" and give an example scenario:
Mike was basing then he finshed he putted his sign KOS entering. Then he putted tons of printers. One boy could Frank came to his base and raided him. Then Mike got killed. Mike was scared his money will go to waste so he came back to the base and killed Frank. That is NLR. If someone gets killed he don't remember anything needs to forget it!

Explain how you would handle the following situation: First take them to a roof. Then i will see what happend then ask player x if have any proof if not i will tell him sorry i can't do anything. If he has proof i will warn player y for RDM.
Player x accuses player y for RDMing him, the console log shows that player y killed player x.

Explain how you would handle the following situation:
First i will take player x F1. Then tell him i am hear for your F1. Take him to a roof. See what is his story (EX:player x say:i was rading player y base then player x killed player y player y why comes back and tries to kill me i killed him again then he came back again and i killed him. Then i will tp to player y and tell him i need you for a F1. Then take him to the roof. Tell him why you broke NLRx2. Then i will hear player y story. Then i will check the logs if player y was broking NLR. Then i will warn him for Breaking NLRx2 . I will tell play y next time to not lie or the punishment will be bad.
Player x accuses player y for breaking NLR, the kills are pretty close together in console (a few lines apart) at a peak time.

Why I should be chosen (we recommend around 150 words):
Am i active?
Yes i am active. I am active a lot in weekends and in weekdays i am not active a lot like maybe 4-5 hours. in weekends 8-9 hours.

Do i have respect?
I am respectful,kind.helpful and honest. Ex:if i will playing the game and a guy was being to tell me i am a bad mod and not respectful i just ignore him. I respect everyone also if i don't like him.

The Rule Breakers i see!
I see tons of Rule Breakers every time i report to admin aka make a F1. No admins are online. the reson of me being the best my timezone is not the same as others when i get on the morning a lot of people playing but no admins online. If i was a mod i would take care of them and make the community better!

My History
Lets talk a bet about my History. I know i been breaking little rules but i improved i am never breaking rules. But i improved i will not break any rules. I got banned and kicks but you now people make mistakes. If i did anything wrong i try my best to fix it and not do it again. I already did 2 applications. I will never stop because i know one day i will get accepted i keep trying that is what i learned!

Thanks for reading my application i hope you have a great day!
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[SSRP Moderator] ELITE #POORNEEDMONEY Application 7 years 4 months ago #713546

Jezus christ im not bothering reading an awfull app like that, Its all neon and my eyes hurt...


EDIT: Also awfull grammar and some things in your app are straight up wrong...
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Last Edit: 7 years 4 months ago by marijnishier.
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[SSRP Moderator] ELITE #POORNEEDMONEY Application 7 years 4 months ago #713562

Bad grammar and just playing 1 server.
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Last Edit: 7 years 4 months ago by Efraime.
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[SSRP Moderator] ELITE #POORNEEDMONEY Application 7 years 4 months ago #713614

Hello Elite! After lloking through your application and game trackers i have noticed that your activity is very bad having only 3 days. I think you should wait and get the recommended 2 weeks of constant activity and then apply for moderator but this is just what i think. For not it's a no from me :/
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Ex - SSRP Super Admin
Ex - SURF Super Admin
Ex - Teamspeak Staff
Ex - SSRP Section Moderator
Ex - Server Applications Section Moderator
Ex - Prophunt Administrator
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[SSRP Moderator] ELITE #POORNEEDMONEY Application 7 years 4 months ago #718410

Bad Grammar.
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[SSRP Moderator] ELITE #POORNEEDMONEY Application 7 years 4 months ago #719219

Thanks for applying for staff at ZARP DarkRp! During our weekly staff meeting your application, question answers, game trackers and in-game warnings are checked and then the staff team votes on your application.

This time, the staff team have decided that you still need to work on your application and then apply again next week. To try and help you they have summarised some positives & negatives discussed during the meeting:
2 Recent Warnings

You can apply again at any time, and thanks for supporting ZARP!
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Legendary Spectacular Border
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Moderators: Joshua, MadMagic, pizza, JustGurp

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