RP Name: Ace-_-
Link to Steam Profile:
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:207171326
Current Gametracker Profiles: Ace/SnowyDevil
Server 1:
www.gametracker.com/player/SnowyDevil/da...arpgaming.com:27015/ -
Server 2:
www.gametracker.com/player/SnowyDevil/da...arpgaming.com:27025/ -
www.gametracker.com/player/SnowyDevil/usa.zarpgaming.com:27015/ -
Estimated Server Time:300+hours
Languages I speak: English
Explain how you feel that your time as a moderator will contribute to you becoming an admin: Its been 2 weeks since, I have become mod and I have had a great time being a moderator. I know how to handle situations. But since I've became moderator I've encountered many situations which I can handle better when I'm an admin. When dealing with alot of RDMers it's easier to physgun them instead of tab>player>freeze, in the meantime they've killed 5 other people already, as well as taking people to a roof, which can make the F1 go smoother and much much easier and faster.
Explain a situation as a moderator you encountered that was an obstacle you had to work around (EG: defiant user): Someone who RDM 2 people instead of warning them for RDMx2 I'd would rather put them in jail for 10mins and give them some time to read over the rules. Whenever I get a person who is mass rulebreaking and whenever I kick them, they rejoin and do same thing I'd rather give them some time off the server instead of warning them and kicking them.
If you had to write a facebook post to train a moderator in between 200-300 words, what would you say to give them the full grasp?: Hello man welcome to Zarp Staff Team! Im here to teach you some rules and mod staff commands
F1 Menu!
When you press F1 you can see Player X made an F1, if you right click to that you can handle his F1 or you can discard it. Second Logs when you click to Logs you can see kills , arrests , demotions , changes jobs etc if you want you can copy it. You can see warnings that has been given recently in F1 menu, so the last one is Active NLR you can see there Active NLRs.
F6 Menu!
You can see there punishments for example: Player X warned by Admin X (reasson) at (data)
Moderator Comman
/freeze (player name or steamid) You can freeze a player with that command. If you want you can set time.
/unfreeze (player name or steamid) You can unfreeze a player with that command.
/bring (player name or steamid) You can bring a player to yourself with that command.
/goto (player name or steamid) You can teleport to him with that command.
/warn (steamid) (reason) If a player break rule you can warn him with that but firstly you need speak with him.
/tp (player name pr steamid) This command like the /bring, You can teleport a player to somewhere with that.
/kick (player name or steamid) (reason) You can kick a player with that command.
/slay (player name or steamid) This command basicly for NLR brakers. You can slay a player with that.
Last thing is Keypad Checker: You can check keypads with that for example someone reported a player for propblock, first you need click to keypad and then the prop.
Alright, so i think you are done. Go do some F1s!
Explain how you would handle the following situation:
Player x appeals their ban in great detail, apology and effort. You check the ban list and find that you banned them permanently for propspam, and that this is their first ban. How would your response to the appeal be?
Hello Player X I had a decision this is valid ban but I will give you second chance because your application looks great and you put alot of effort into it also you are really sorry, so good news man! Im gonna shorten your ban to 2 weeks. I hope you will not do it again.
Why I should be promoted (we recommend around 150 words): I think I should be promoted because I always do my job and I've tried my best to make the server a better place, I really like helping people. And I have really enjoyed my time as Moderator. I handle the situations in a good and fair way and help out with F1s all the time. I Hope u guy accept me and thank u for reading my application.