Global Moderator
Steam Name:
Forum Name:
What server(s) are you active on?:
I am in fact active on the following servers: (click on the names for my gametrackers)
I am currently a TTT
Head Administrator and have been playing on TTT for nearly seven months. I have enjoyed my time as staff greatly and have high hopes for the server's future.
I am currently an
Administrator on the SSRP server as of a few weeks ago. I hardly RP and instead spend my time handling F1's, Appeals, Report Abuses and helping the staff team.
I have been formerly staff on: (click on the names for my game trackers)
I am a former Prophunt
Super Administrator and used to play on the Zarpgaming Prophunt server a lot when it was just released. Like with TTT I really enjoyed being staff there, however I had to resign because I wanted to focus primarily on TTT.
I am a former
Moderator on the Deathrun server around 6-7 months ago. I greatly enjoyed my time as staff but had to resign because of some issues. I have actually reconsidered rejoining the Deathrun staff team but will probably not do so because I do not have the time. I also enjoy other servers more.
I would love it if I had the time to become staff on: (click on the names for my game trackers)
As of late I have found Surf to be a nice, calm and relaxing gamemode to play. Ignoring the constant micspammers, my time on the server has been a great experience. I'm afraid that with my duties on TTT and SSRP I simply do not have the time to keep up a consistent activity. However I do still play it occasionally.
I am From:
I am from The Netherlands.
Time spent with Zarp Gaming?:
Nearly seven months. I began playong TTT on the 4th of March 2017 and have put in countless of hours all over the community.
How often do you come on the forums:
I check up on the forums many times on the day. I'll be honest and say that when I play a game my activity tends to be a little more lacking, but even then I usually immediately handle my duties if someone pokes me or messages me over Steam. I am very active all across the forums and do my best to help whenever I can.
Why You?:
I am active all over the forums, helping in each section if I can. I try my hardest to help people, spending hours of my time making posts on the forums. Although I do tend to "shitpost" a lot, a large amount of my posts are also constructive. I help when I can, apologize when I screw up and try my best to make as many people happy.
I know the biggest criticism that will be said to me and it actually has very little to do with how I can improve. It is simply a fact that three out of four current Global Moderators are from an European timezone. Do we really need another?
To be fair, there have been plenty of times when a Global Moderator was needed to help out, either by deleting, moving or locking posts. I have had to ask plenty of Global Moderators to move something, lock a post or even ban someone from the forums. Especially during the afternoon, inbetween college classes, I'll be actively posting and helping although there are no Global Moderators online to help out.
I believe I could be a great addition to the staff team and help out, which is really the only thing I want to do.
Thank you for reading
Love you <3