Steam Name: Wrex
Link To Steam Profile:
Link To Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:80144245
Link To GameTracker For The Server:
Languages | Speak: English
Explain "Random Death Match" and give an example scenario:
RDM ,stands for Random Death Match, is when someone kills you and didn't have a valid reason too. An example of this would be if you got killed because you killed them last round, joining in a gun fight without knowing what is going on (eg. you killed a T and going to check the body but the person kills you without knowing it was a T) and killing someone under suspicion
Give three examples of an acceptable KOS and its scenario:
When someone is shooting you, you can kill that person for it (running around the map and someone shoots me for no reason, I can kill them because of it).
When a person kills a Detective (someone killed a Detective in front of me, which lets me know that it could be a T or a RDMer).
And When someone refuses to go into the Tester room after warnings are given(Detectives Only) (if you give a player a chat warning and they refuse to go in and can be killed after 2 or more warnings).
if someone steals the gold block near the tester and runs away with it, preventing people from being tested (someone gets warnings to return back to the tester with the gold block and fails to do so will result in death).
if someone places down a health station and wants no one else to use it, gives warnings, and is allowed to kill them. (you place down a personal Health Station and they start to use it, give them the warnings and if they continue I would kill them for it)
If I see someone run into the Traitor room ( I see someone run into the T room which allows me to give out the KOS on the person as T's can only go into that room and if someone like a Innocent goes in they would die).
Give two examples of unacceptable KOS and their scenarios:
Someone killed you last round and you kill them the next round (revenge kill) ( I kill someone because I'm a T that round and so the person I killed didn't like that and they kill me straight away as soon as the next round starts, this is KOS if none of us are T's).
Someone killed a Traitor and got a KOS after checking the body and saying that it was a T and that they are proven (I killed a T and said that I did so and someone put a false KOS on me and I get killed by the player, this would be classed as RDM).
You think that someone is a T but you have no proof of this (I run around and someone is acting suspicious so I put a KOS on the player to find out for sure, this is false KOSING and can result in a warn).
Giving the order for people to KOS a building ( A player can here shooting going on in the tower and doesn't know who is shooting in there and so tells everyone to KOS anyone in the tower or tries to leave without giving them the option to prove that they are not a Traitor. this can result in tons of players getting killed and can get people in trouble for mass rdm).
Why I should be chosen (we recommend around 100 words):
I believe that I can make the server more enjoyable and make it run smoother by doing reports and punishing the people who intend on making peoples experience on the server hell. I am respected throughout the TTT server and have enjoyed playing on it as there is much to achieve and people to talk to. I am aware of the commands that a moderator will be given and have already got the bind for the xgui menu. I have also read some of the other forums and watched some videos on how a moderator/admin should handle situations. I hope that you put this into consideration and thank you for your time.