Steam Name:Sgt.Random
Link To Steam Profile:
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:153983595
Link To GameTracker For The Server:
Server 1:
Languages I Speak:English, Croatian, Serbian, Slovenian, Bosnian and a little bit of German
Explain "Random Death Match" and give an example scenario:
Random death match also known as RDM is a term we use when somebody kills someone without reason/proof/DNA of the person killing someone, there are many ways to RDM but the most known are:
-Killing someone beacuse he killed you last round
-Killing someone who you think is a T without proof
-Killing people after they kill a T and explain why they did it
Give three examples of an acceptable KOS and its scenario:
-KOS someone shooting you
-KOS someone who killed a detective
-KOS someone who killed a proven person
-KOS someone who doesn't want to get into the tester (Only detective can do this)
-KOS someone who is using your private healing station after warning in the chat that it's private
Give two examples of unacceptable KOS and their scenarios:
-KOS someone on low health (new people kill injured people alot since they think they got injured in a gunfight and are a T)
-KOS someone who killed a Traitor and gave reason why he killed him
Why I should be chosen (we recommend around 100 words):
I love to play on the server, I wasn't online for around 5 months, but now that i came back it feels very good to be back, i love to play on the server beacuse it has such a helpful and kind community, I have learned to be respectful to staff and the new members of the staff team are kind and like to joke around, I think i should join the staff team beacuse I have over 100 hours put into the server, and I never get bored when playing the gamemode on the server, i hope you will put my application into consideration, thank you.