Steam Name:
FF | Lemon
Time Zone:
GMT +3
Link to Steam Profile:
What server are you applying for?
Current Gametracker Profiles:
Estimated Server Time:
275 Hours
Languages I speak:
Native language is Finland but i speak English pretty well
How do you feel that your time as an administrator has contributed to becoming a super administrator:
I feel like that i want to become super admin because i have kinda committed to this server and will to help people. I have helped lot of people and got some friends but as super admin i can still help people besides that i can also help this servers staff team to better way.
What makes you a good candidate for the super administrator team?
I have will to help people. I would prevent if there would be any conflict between staff because i know most of the staff members and i could get them cool down. Also i am interested if i could to train people on my own. I am doing my best
Explain a situation as an administrator you encountered that was an obstacle that required the help of a lead team member but you had to work around it when no lead team member was available: One time there was thing that there was argument between staff and user about the staff giving wrong punishes they did not listen me to stop because the user thought he was right so i contacted member of LT but before he get there the situation was over because user left, still reported it
Explain how you would review and handle an abuse report against another staff member:
I would firstly watch every proof that anyone got about that situation if there is any and see is there anything wrong or is it just misunderstanding. I would also talk to both person, the one who reported and the staff member who abused and look their opinions. Then i would tell lead team what i found out and what i think about it
Explain in detail how you would act in the following situation:
A staff member bans a user for an excessive amount of time, how do you approach the staff member to ensure that everyone is treated fairly? I would contact the one who banned and ask why that amount of time and make sure it was properly given and for right reasons. If it was too long time i would ask if i could shorten the ban time so it would be suitable
Explain in detail how you would act in the following situation:
A staff member is dealing with a user but is struggling to do so in an appropriate manner. How would you resolve the situation?
I would nicely ask him/her to change his attitude against user if still not i would verbally say that staff can't have attitude like that and he has to change it or why would he/she be staff then i would ask to tell me what happen and where it did begin. After that if it's complicated and he/she doesn't know what to do i would say i handle this and perhaps tell the staff member who was handling it how to do it right
Explain in detail how you would act in the following situation:
A staff member accuses another staff member of breaking rules, how would you help resolve the situation?
I would nicely with relaxed voice say to not do it again because it's most likely misunderstanding. If it's not misunderstanding and still continue breaking rules i would collect proof as much as possible so it's clear what he/she did. Then i would show the proof to lead team members and make some kind configuration how it went to that situation
Explain in detail how you would act in the following situation:
A staff member acts in a disrespectful manner towards another staff member and or sparks an argument within the staff team. How do you resolve the situation?
At first i would say to both of them to calm down. Then if it won't stop there and goes worse i try to chill them both and at the same time collect some proof and find out how did it start. If it's not stopping at this time i would talk to other members of lead team and tell them the situation how did it go there and who are those who argued and show proof about it to them
Explain in detail how you would act in the following situation:
You spot a staff member breaking rules to the point of harming other users, how do you approach the staff member?
I contact him/her and tell him/her that he/she harmed other user by breaking rules. I would ask him/her did he did it on purpose. If not then i would nicely ask him/her to say sorry for that user. If i suspect it was on purpose i collect some proof about it. After that i contact other lead team members and ask what they think and if they agree give reasonable punish
I'm secretly a lime. Confession
Thank you for reading