Steam Name:Alexsander2k
Time Zone:GMT +2:00
Link to Steam
What server are you applying for? Deathrun
Current Gametracker
Estimated Server Time:264 hours
Languages I speak:English and Norwegian
How do you feel that your time as an administrator has contributed to becoming a super administrator:
My time as admin has helped me gain more trust in the community and become a more well known staff member, it has helped me further progress my understanding of the rules and my dedication to the server. My time as admin has enabled me to prove myself to the Lead Team and other staff members and has allowed me to assist new players and staff members. My time as staff has helped me gain experience and has helped understand every command to their full capabilities, I have handled a multitude of situations as staff and through that I have become a trusted member of the community. As a result of this, I feel like I am ready for the next step and ready to become part of the Lead Team.
What makes you a good candidate for the super administrator team?
I am a good candidate for the Lead Team as I frequently attend meetings and I am very active on the server. I have gained trust for multiple staff members, including lead team members, and I am friendly with everyone on the server. I have handled many situations and have guided some applicants through the application process and have shown new players how to become a part of the Zarp community. I have helped train on multiple occasions and have helped new moderators learn the ropes when they are struggling to handle certain incidents. I have also looked into/reported a few staff incidents to do with commands and relayed the information to LT for further investigation. If I were to get super admin I could continue to do all this but in a more effective way.
Explain a situation as an administrator you encountered that was an obstacle that required the help of a lead team member but you had to work around it when no lead team member was available:
There was a situation I encountered in which a staff member was being accused by another player of a false warn. The situation was very heated and so I had to intervene to stop it from getting out of control. I spoke to both sides of the argument to calm the situation down and then spoke to both parties to try and gather information. I spoke to them separately and then tried to come to an unbiased conclusion in the situation. I concluded that no action needed to be taken but I made them apologise to each other and told them to stop arguing. Even though I thought no action needed to be taken I still reported the situation to the LT just in case it developed any further and/or happened again.
Explain how you would review and handle an abuse report against another staff member:
I would check if there was any proof to go on, and then would talk to the other staff members and say that I was going to handle this. Next I would check with the accused staff member to get their side of the story. Finally, I would check with the player if there was any more evidence, and then make a conclusion and find out what I’m going to do with the staff member. Then, tell the lead team about my conclusion and tell them why and how I reached my conclusion. and say to them that i did say if it was right or wrong.
Explain in detail how you would act in the following situation:
A staff member bans a user for an excessive amount of time, how do you approach the staff member to ensure that everyone is treated fairly?
I would talk to the staff member and find out why he banned him for that long, and check the player’s punishment list to check with the player’s past warnings and/or punishments. No matter my conclusion I would talk to the staff member about what happened. If it was wrong and they were banned for a longer time then I think necessary, I would have edit the ban to a more reasonable time. Finally, I would contact the player and say to him his ban time has been changed.
Explain in detail how you would act in the following situation:
A staff member is dealing with a user but is struggling to do so in an appropriate manner. How would you resolve the situation?
I would ask the staff member in admin chat to tell me the story and show me the proof. Then, just talk to the person and tell him that if he needs any help for the situation he can contact me and I can tell him how to deal with these kinds of situation. I would help him out to finish this situation without anything unreasonable happening, but if he doesn’t want me to help him then I would keep looking out at the situation so it doesn’t get out of hand. If he does anything unreasonable I would say to him that I’m taking over the situation, and contact the staff after it and try to train him for those situations.
Explain in detail how you would act in the following situation:
A staff member accuses another staff member of breaking rules, how would you help resolve the situation?
I would first contact the staff member that is accusing the other staff member for proof, I would do this to try to gather as much info from both of the staff members. I would try and gather both points of view and also check with other staff members online at that time to find out if there was any more information about that situation. I would then try and find out why the staff member did break the rules, if he did so. I would then contact the staff member and have a talk with him to explain what rules he broke and how. Finally, I would tell the staff member my conclusion about the situation and then give the staff member the punishment, checking with the LT to be sure.
Explain in detail how you would act in the following situation:
A staff member acts in a disrespectful manner towards another staff member and or sparks an argument within the staff team. How do you resolve the situation?
I would first try to calm down the situation and then contact both staff members and ask them for what happened. Then, I would have try my best to get to a reasonable conclusion and warn them verbally to not do anything like that again. Then, make them both apologize to each other so they don’t do anything like that again. I would also explain possible future punishments to them and tell them they can make an abuse report on the forums or contact LT if necessary. Finally, I would talk to LT about the situation and ask them for their opinion on the matter.
Explain in detail how you would act in the following situation:
You spot a staff member breaking rules to the point of harming other users, how do you approach the staff member?
I would first try to contact the staff member and then ask why he is breaking the rules to try and find out whether he was doing it purposely. I would then gather evidence from players and myself about the situation and then make a conclusion on why the staff member did break the rules and whether it was purposeful. From that I would ask other lead team members for their opinion of the situation and try to conclude whether he should be punished for their actions (Such as an Official Warning or Demotion) or not.