Steam Name: Rebekah
Link to steam profile:
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:197227815
Current gametracker profiles:
languages I speak: English
Explain "Random Death Match" and give an example scenario:
RDM is when and innocent/detective kills another innocent/detective without evidence or reason. or a traitor kills another traitor. Example: Player A (an innocent) tells player B to go into the tester but player B refuses so Player A kills Player B, this is killing on suspicion because only detectives can give orders to go to the tester (that they can kill on)
Give three examples of an acceptable KOS and its scenario:
- Player A sees Player B kill an afk player, Player A can call KOS
-Player A sees Player B walk past an unidentified body, Player A can call KOS
-Player A sees Player B push a player off a cliff with crowbar. Player A can call KOS
Give two examples of unacceptable KOS and their scenarios:
-Player A sees a person place a c4 but only remembers the skin, Player A cannot KOS everyone with that skin
-Player A sees Player B come from an area where gunshots were fired , Player A cannot Kos Player B
Why I should be chosen (we recommend around 100 words):
I love playing on zarp, but there are a lot of RDMERS that come on sometimes, even with an admin online, which allot of the time I don't see getting punished. I want to help the good players on the server to play the way the game was made and scare the RDMERS from killing people, which can often ruin peoples T rounds. Sometimes when I write reports I don't see if the RDMER gets a punishment at all and I want to be able to see that. I know the rules and what's proper reason for KOS, and want to make this server a better place for the players that want to play the way it was intended.