Moderator Application: Punjabi Zebras Application
Steam name : Punjabi Zebra
Link to Steam Profile:
Current Gametracker Profiles:
Steam ID :
Language I Speak: English
What is Ghosting? and give an example: Ghosting is where someone joins the spectators, tell the runners exactly where the activator is so the runners know what trap the activator is going to push next. If John went and spectated the activator and told Joe exactly what trap he is going to push next Joe would always have the advantage over the activator.
How would you deal with a disrespectful player?: i would make sure not to aggravate them anymore preventing more abuse, i would not take the insults personally preventing me from getting aggravated, if someone was being mean to another player i would tell them to stop because what your doing is clearly offending the player, and if it gets to racism then i would do whatever i could to make sure he can't say things like that like gag him or mute.
Why I should be chosen: i should be chosen because I'm a regular on the server and I'm pretty good at death run (not trying to be cocky
. I'm a friendly player on all games i play on steam (check profile if you want
) i can deal with abuse thrown at me instead of making the situation worse. I love the server and i think it has a large shop with loads of items to buy and choose from, the map choices are great and i'm able to probably complete them all. The people on the server are friendly and always make me laugh and overall the server is a great place to be on.