Steam Name: rai
Link to Steam Profile:
Current Gametracker Profiles:
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:62842251
Languages I speak: Polish and English, Polish is my main language but I speak English really well.
What is Ghosting? and give an example: Ghosting is when a dead runner or death tells a player something, they're not supposed to know and something that could change the outcome of the round. A few examples are: telling the code on deathrun_helix, telling a player which door is the right door to go through, telling a player if a certain trap was activated or not, telling the deaths' health left, etc.
How would you deal with a disrespectful player?: First, I would politely ask them to stop, and tell them what they are doing is wrong. If they continue doing so, I would warn the player, and depending on the situation, either gag or mute them. If they leave and join back to avoid their punishment and continue doing what they are doing, I'd warn them for mute/gag avoiding, and tell an admin what they are doing, so the admin can ban them.
Why I should be chosen: I'm really active on deathrun. I've always liked to moderate servers, so everything is clean. I'm usually calm and nice to people, I sometimes have worse moments, like everyone, but I think I can control myself well. I really don't like when I see someone reactivate traps, micspam, exploit or insult others. I want to apply so there's one more active person who can take care of rulebreakers when no other person from staff is on.