Steam Name: Evouqe
Time Zone: GMT
Link to Steam Profile:
What server are you applying for? Deathrun.
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:79127603
Current Gametracker Profiles:
Estimated Server Time: 260 hours.
Languages I speak: English
How do you feel that your time as an administrator has contributed to becoming a super administrator: My time as administrator as helped me become a more well known admin and has helped me separate myself from other admins. It has helped me become a more trusted member in the community and has taught me how to handle almost every situation. My time as admin has helped me show my dedication to my server, via my play time and my actions as staff. It has also helped show my helpful and friendly personality, via frequent team speak conversations with other staff members and my willingness to help new staff members and players. As super admin I can continue and further improve all of these aspects.
What makes you a good candidate for the super administrator team? ( in this part you can go as detailed as you want): I think that i am a good candidate for the position as i am very dedicated to the server, I have good playtime and stay on the server at night when there are no other staff members on. I have been a staff member for a long amount of time, which also shows my dedication and large contribution to the server. I am friendly with the lead team and know how to contact them when necessary and I also am capable of handling situations which would normally require lead team by myself. Many other staff members feel like they can trust me and that i can handle situations by myself, showing that i am right for the role. Even though i am busy with work and personal life i am still very active in game and on the forums when necessary. I frequently attend meetings and have helped lead team members, such as Dezmond, train new moderators and admins when he needed help.
Explain a situation as an administrator you encountered that was an obstacle that required the help of a lead team member but you had to work around it when no lead team member was available: I recently encountered a situation where there was a supposed hacker on the server. Using my experience of other situations i recorded the situation and then attempted to handle the situation myself. I confronted the user about it and by using the evidence i had recorded i ended up taking no action against him, but kept monitoring him through out the time he was on the server. I later contacted other Lead Team and staff members about the situation and provided the evidence i had captured and they also agreed that he acted suspiciously. However after conferring with the staff members they also agreed that no action needed to be taken against him. I have also ahd to handle a few arguments between staff members. I prevented the situation from turning into a full scale argument and calmed everyone down. Afterwards, I then contacted other staff members and lead team bout the situation. These both show my ability to handle and control potentially disastrous situations, showing how I am ready for Super Admin.
Explain how you would review and handle an abuse report against another staff member: Firstly, I would review the abuse report and make sure that they were using the correct template. Then I would let other staff know that i was handling the situation. I would then gather as much information that i could from the report. Afterwards, i would contact both people involved in the incident and any other staff online at the time to try and gather further information and any evidence that could be provided. Then, I would make a fair and balanced conclusion, taking into account what both parties had said, to the situation and reply to the post with my conclusion. After this i would contact the lead team to discuss what punishments should be taken against the staff member and also let any of the people involved know why i reached my conclusion.
Explain in detail how you would act in the following situation:
A staff member bans a user for an excessive amount of time, how do you approach the staff member to ensure that everyone is treated fairly? I would start by finding out the reason for the ban and how long the user was banned for. I would then contact the staff member to find out what action was taken against the user leading up to the ban and use the F6 menu to check this. I would also contact any other staff members online at the time and use what they say to validate what the staff member had said. I would also try to gain evidence to make sure that a rule was actually broken and that a false ban did not take place. Once i had done all this I would change the ban time according to what i had learnt and contact the banned user about the time change. I would then have a talk with the staff member about handling similar situations in the future, what an appropriate ban time is and what actions may be taken against the staff member as a result of what happened I would then contact Lead Team about the situation and conclude by retraining the staff member if i felt it was necessary.
Explain in detail how you would act in the following situation:
A staff member is dealing with a user but is struggling to do so in an appropriate manner. How would you resolve the situation? If a staff member is struggling to handle a user in game I would start by explaining to the staff member how to quickly deal with the situation so disruption is caused. I would then privately contact the staff member and explain fully how to deal with similar situations in the future. I would then explain that the staff member can contact me any time if they need assistance in the future. Then, I would retrain the staff member in great detail to prevent any further incidents from happening. Finally, I would make sure to keep a close eye on that staff member and then contact the Lead Team if i felt any further action needed to be taken (e.g. Official Warning, Demotion).
Explain in detail how you would act in the following situation:
A staff member accuses another staff member of breaking rules, how would you help resolve the situation? I would firstly contact the accuser to find out what rule they believe has been broken and any evidence that they had to prove it. I would then contact the accused staff member to gain their point of view to try and reached a balanced opinion. If necessary I would also contact any other staff members online at the time so i can gain further insight into what happened. Once I had reached my conclusion i would contact both parties with it and explain why the conclusion was reached. If a rule was broken i would get the staff member to read the rules again and if i felt it was necessary, retrain them. If any further problems with that staff member occurred I would contact the Lead Team and then the rule breaker about the situation. I would have a serious conversation with them and then talk about possible punishments/consequences of their actions.
Explain in detail how you would act in the following situation:
A staff member acts in a disrespectful manner towards another staff member and or sparks an argument within the staff team. How do you resolve the situation? I would firstly calm everyone down in the situation and prevent the argument from growing. I would then try and find out what sparked the argument and what the argument was about. Afterwards, I would talk to both staff members involved to get them apologise to each other and then i would verbally warn them against any future incidents. I would let the users know that if they have a serious issue with the other staff member that they can contact the Lead Team and if necessary make a forum post. This would prevent the staff members from having large arguments in game and disrupting the sever> I would also keep a close eye on the staff involved and contact the Lead Team about what happened.
Explain in detail how you would act in the following situation:
You spot a staff member breaking rules to the point of harming other users, how do you approach the staff member? I would contact the user privately and ask them why they were acting the way they did. I would have a conversation with the staff member about the situation and if necessary any other staff online at the time. From this I would try and work out whether the staff was attempting to act maliciously or whether it was just an accident. Either way, I would talk to them about possible punishments and what action might be taken. Finally, I would contact the Lead Team with what had happened and any evidence I had to talk about what further actions might be taken.
Thanks for reading my application and feel free to leave a comment