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What is Ghosting? and give an example:
Ghosting is when a player who is dead tells a player who is alive by helping them. They could tell the player alive what the code is for Helix or what portal is right in the minecraft map. Telling the player's HP is also counted as ghosting.
How would you deal with a disrespectful player?:
First I would ask the player to stop if he/she doesn't stop then I would have to mute/gag the player and that if they continue with their actions I will have to warn them also I would have to kick him/her from the server. When a different map comes on and he/she carries on with their actions I would have to give him/her another chance then kick him from the server. If he re-joins the server and carries on with his/her actions then I would inform a Admin+ to come on the server to ban the player with proof.
Why I should be chosen:
I should be chosen because I've been playing on this server for a while now and here and there I run into people who are disrespectful and do not follow the rules the server has put up, since no Mods/Admins are on I think to myself and wish I could do something because it ruins the experience for other people and they wont enjoy playing on a server that is full of people who are disrespectful or don't follow the rules.
Thank you for taking your time to read this.