General Discussion Section
Forum Moderator
Steam Name:
Forum Name:
What server(s) are you active on?:
I am in fact active on the following servers: (click on the names for my gametrackers)
I am currently a TTT
Super Administrator and have been playing on TTT for nearly five months. I have enjoyed my time as staff greatly and have high hopes for the server's future.
I have been formerly staff on: (click on the names for my game trackers)
I am a former Prophunt
Super Administrator and used to play on the Zarpgaming Prophunt server a lot when it was just released. Like with TTT I really enjoyed being staff there, however I had to resign because I wanted to focus primarily on TTT.
I am a former
Moderator on the Deathrun server around 4-5 months ago. I greatly enjoyed my time as staff but had to resign because of some issues. As of recently I have actually been considering to rejoin the Deathrun staff team but will probably not do so because I do not have the time. I also enjoy other servers more.
I am a former
Moderator on the SSRP server around 3-4 months ago. I am afraid I barely spent any time actually staffing, but I had a fun few moments. I might come back soon, although I'm not sure yet.
I want to become staff on: (click on the names for my game trackers)
As of late I have found Surf to be a nice, calm and relaxing gamemode to play. Ignoring the constant micspammers, my time on the server has been a great experience. Once I have enough, consistent activity I'll apply for Moderator there. It's a nice server to take a break from my staffing duties on TTT.
I am From:
I am from The Netherlands.
Time spent with Zarp Gaming?:
Nearly six months. I began playong TTT on the 4th of March 2017 and have put in countless of hours all over the community.
How often do you come on the forums:
I come on the forums extremely often. Whenever I can find the time you will see me responding to at least one post, if not more. Because of this, I make at least a few posts each and every day and my current post count in the past month is
706. One of my more active sections is General Discussion. It is of course the most popular section we have and I partake in it greatly. You'll often see me responding there and even if I don't respond, I do still read the posts.
Why You?:
I am extremely active in the General Discussion section. In the past month, I have posted 304 times in the section and in total (so since I joined 5 months ago) I have posted 975 times in the section. I read almost all posts and look them over for TOU breaks or requests (e.g. "Lock this please")
Like I said, I'm very active in the section. I read most, if not all posts there and respond when needed (and when it isn't needed). I'm trusted with powers as I hold many staff ranks in the community and even staff as a section moderator in the Server Applications section.
I can personally think of only a single negative:
If I were to be accepted I would be section moderator in the two most active sections on the forums. I persinally believe I am capable of this - I can only request for the other forum staff to come to their own conclusion and trust on my word.