What is Ghosting? and give an example:
Ghosting is where a runner is dead and gives alive runner information where the death is or the correct portal or path helping them finish the map. It could be used to help the deaths by telling the runners HP of certain players and giving information on where the runners are on the map. Example
Runner 1: Im last alive, Whats the correct portals
Runner 2: it's left left right
How would you deal with a disrespectful player?:
First I would ask him to to stop otherwise I will have to mute/gag and warn said player. If he was to continue I would warn and mute/gag player and tell him if he is to continue I would have to kick him. When the map changes and he starts to be disrespectful if would warn him again and kick him from the server, If he joins the server again and carrys on I would inform an admin or a higher member of staff with proof and ask them to come onto the server to ban the player.
Why I should be chosen:
I should be chosen because I have had experience at being staff on multiple servers at zarp and other communities. The main reason I want to be a mod is too make the peoples experience on the server more enjoyable and make it so they want to come back for more! Being on quite a bit and seeing all the people spamming, death avoiding and abuse that happens when there is no mod or admin online is not fair as it ruins the experience for others and makes the server less enjoyable to play on also, I'm currently playing more at night and the server is getting a good amount of players when most staff go off.
Thanks for reading my application.
ps. dezmond forced me to write this application