Steam Name: KD
Link to Steam Profile:
Current Gametracker Profiles:
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:91147699
Languages I speak: English
What is Ghosting? and give an example: Saying or typing something when you're dead to alive players that could change the outcome of a round . An example would be telling the alive players the portal to go through to progress on the map, E.G. Minecraft pyramid .
How would you deal with a disrespectful player?: Firstly a virbal warning, if they ignor your warning then give them a acctual warning, if they ignor your warning again, gag or mute depending on if they are on voice chat or chat, if they ignor your warning again, kick them and finaly if they do it again ask a admin to ban them.
why i believe you should choose me to be a moderator: I am consistent and can show integrity, I am spoken and have literacy skills, I will dedicate time to go to all meeting if possible, I will keep a consistent amount of time on the server, being on as much as possible, I will try my hardest to exceed expectations, also i would like to contribute to upholding the servers rules and reputation.
PS. I am the chosen one