Gang Name: Azgeda
Gang Owner: Fred Wroolie
How many people are in your gang? ( Must meet the required amount ) 27
Are you in good terms with the community?: Although my gang has been known in the
PAST to have 'minges' within the gang. As you can see i have removed more than 3/4 from the gang and only kept those who are both active and have good attitude. Not only that but many of our members are already staff (Jamez, MrSalt, Orange, Agent Zero and of course me) or they are applying for staff and showing
CHANGE. So even though few people may of had issues with my gang in the past that should not impact what people think of us today.
How long as the gang been around? Probably 2 months for coming up to 2 months.
Are you in the top 20 gangs on the server? Yes, Rank 19
Why should your gang have a teamspeak channel? Because we want a channel where all of our members can just chill out and have fun without being disturbed by other users randomly joining and causing chaos. Also it would help out when we decide to raid/base as it would mean that no one random and interfere with what we are doing.
Extra information? It would also be nice to encourage new members of the gang to join the TS3 server and hang out there as they wouldn't have to listen to random people joining and 'trolling'. Also it would help organise gang activities.
Gang Image/Tag?