Steam Name: Lowskii
Link to Steam Profile:
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:188571731
Current Gametracker Profiles:
Estimated Server Time: 34.6 Hours
Languages I speak: Dutch, English, French and a little bit German
Explain "Random Death Match" and give an example scenario:
People randomly killing other people for no valid reason, refefered to as RDM. (The main problem on this gamemode.)
Example: An innocent/detective kills an innocent/traitor because the person was suspious. This is an invalid reason so it is RDM.
Give three examples of an acceptable KOS and its scenario:
- When player goes inside the traitor room their is no doubt he is a traitor and you can KOS him. You do need to be sure about the name, when you only know his skin you can't KOS.
- When a detective clearly asks a specific person to get tested in the traitor tester but he refuses more than once, this needs to be asked in chat as people without sound can't hear you through the voice chat.
-When a player ignores unidentified bodies and doesn't have a reason for it. Before you can KOS you do need to give the person a chance to explain why he ignored it.(through chat)
Give two examples of unacceptable KOS and their scenarios:
- When a player is damaged this is no reason for a KOS as it could be from a fight with a traitor or just be fall damage.
- When a player is AFK you can never KOS him, when you do kill him this is RDM. You need to ask staff to put him in spectator mode.
Why I should be chosen (we recommend around 100 words):
I recently got Gmod and instantly got in love with TTT. I have been playing on the zarp server since the start and reallly enjoy it but the problem is that many people are rdm'ing and/or mic spamming. As i am a late gamer i find myself on the server without any staff online more than it should be and on those moments evrybody is breaking the rules. For this i really think you should accept me as a staff because i can keep the server calm at times their is usually no staff, aswell is the server very popular and the current staff really has alot of work, i think new members to the team really wouldn't hurt. Besides all that i play alot and i can take responsibility. I know the rules and will allways be fair towards evrybody.