Steam Name:
Link to Steam Profile:
Current Gametracker Profiles:
Languages I speak:
A bit of Arabic
A bit of chinese
Deathrun related
What is Ghosting? and give an example:
Ghosting is when a player who is dead gives vital information or "information" of a alive player which gives the other players information about they're position in which gives those players Advantage in the server which changes the way of playing because it is needed to be played when the player that is dead wont be included in for example.The player that is ghosting would be dead or Spectator and tells the other players in the server that the runner is alive dead or which button the death has pressed or activated on the map.It wouldn't be ghosting if it is the player him/herself saying the information.
How would you deal with a disrespectful player?:
I would inform him/her that it is disrespectful and to stop then tell them why it should be stopped politely.If they don't listen or ignore my words i would warn him about it and if he doesn't stop it should be stopped by a mute/gag.
Why I should be chosen:
I think i should be chosen for the reason that i have read the rules and completely understand the rules of the servers so i could spot a player if they break/ignore them also i have seen many places were the players have broken or disrespected the following rules and willing to stop and help new players to the servers also i have played many of your servers and willing to help the servers i have made many friends/players that are fun to play with on your servers and willing to make more too and have played the server for a long period of time.