Steam Name:
Link to Steam Profile:
Estimated Server Time:
653 minutes (and counting
Link to GameTracker Profile:
Languages I speak:
English, Partial Italian, Green & Turkish
Explain "Random Death Match" and give an example scenario:
Random death match is the killing of a player without any given evidence to cause the action. For example, a player joins the server and sees another player and starts to shoot them regardless if they are D I or T.
Give three examples of an acceptable KOS and its scenario:
Example: Traitor attempting to kill Scenario 1: Player 1 an innocent/detective who is with Player 2, P2 starts shooting P1 but run away. P1 can then give a KOS because P2 shot P1 & P1 wasn't able to kill P2.
Example: Traitor planting C4 Scenario 2: P1 is an innocent/detective who sees Player 2 planting C4. C4 + Terrorist = KOS
Example: Traitor Trap Scenario 3: Player 2 activates a trap when P1 and P2 are the only ones in the recent vicinity. P1 (hopefully) survives and call the KOS
Give two examples of unacceptable KOS and their scenarios:
Example: Killing without body check Scenario 1: P1 sees P2 shoot + kill P3, but p1 didn't check the body to see if they are a traitor or not. P1 calls the KOS on P2 anyways.
Example: Not re-testing the traitor tester Scenario 2: The traitor tester is rigged [traitor trap] and P1 do not re-test to see if they are innocent, P1 opens the doors to kill them but P2 escapes and P1 calls the KOS
Why I should be chosen (we recommend around 100 words):
Likewise to my PropHunt stature, I can work hard in making sure everyone in the TTT community has a safe & fun gameplay, my commitment to PropHunt can be the same to TTT - guaranteed to be on almost everyday - making sure all exploiters and rule-breakers are dealt with in the most appropriate manner maintaining the positive aspects of the TTT server