Steam Name: |Z| Morgan
Link to Steam Profile: My Steam Profile
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:82175
Languages I speak: English & German
How would you handle a TS3 appeal?: When handling a Teamspeak Appeal, I'd approach like much that I've been trained for as a staff member on all of the servers I have staffed previously.
I'd review the appeal, and get the best possible understanding from it. Once I've understood the situation from their perspective and looked at the admin who banned them, I'd respond with
I'll handle this and speak with Max.
I'd then go to Max, link him the appeal, and make sure it's understood the player appealing's side of the story. I'd cross reference and also ask Max his side of the story on the appeal. Once I have both of their stories, in this case the user was being racist and was asked multiple times to stop but did not. Max and I would then agree that the user should have stopped the first time but continued, and should wait out the remainder of their appeal. I would then reply with the following conclusive statement.
Hello, I've spoken with Max and have looked at both sides of the story. You might be apologetic, but you were told multiple times to stop the Racism and refused. You continued to undermine his word and break your trust with us, and broke the rules at the same time. We feel you should wait out your ban.
Explain some of the administrative features of TS3 and when they're used
Removal of Ranks: Most Notably, as a Teamspeak 3 Head Administrator you'll now be administrating Teamspeak Staff. You can now take their rank away in resignations, demotions, etc. You would not use this power to your advantage for "fun".
Giving Powers: Giving players teamspeak staff and being able to train them obviously is a new addition as well. This would be appropriate if the player had just been promoted after the Meeting, or if they need the rank as they've lost it somehow.
Handling Teamspeak Appeals: I'll now have the ability to handle teamspeak ban appeals! Handling Teamspeak Ban Appeals is appropriate when the user makes an appeal, and I'd handle it as stated above on the previous question.
What would I do different with my new powers? (we recommend around 50 words): Well firstly, I'd be able to remove and give teamspeak staff which is quite annoying currently as I have to get an owner online to do it which can sometimes take days. I'd be able to do it more effectively, quickly, and of course help the users and staff at hand more appropriately. I'd also be able to monitor teamspeak bans and deal with appeals, which comes in handy as there's not that many TS3 Head Admins currently and they obviously can use another one on the team to help with the work load.
EXTRA CREDIT: How much does Tyler sell client Icons for?: It really depends if you catch him when he's playing his Vietnam game or not. If he is, he'll usually tell you to eat shit and die. If not, it's 50,000,000!
Custom Questions Added to Template to give you a better understanding of me as a candidate.
Why Me?
When it comes to me as a candidate, I'm a great pick for the job. There's a lot of structured reasoning behind this, most notably I am a former Teamspeak 3 Head Administrator. I actually brought this rank up in the meeting originally and was the man behind the job. My Timezone is also very unique for the position as there's not a Teamspeak 3 Head Administrator on for the majority of when i'm up at night.
I'm currently Lead Team on Two Servers, and Teamspeak 3 Staff on both ZARP & FP. I've been lead team throughout all servers in the community over the past 2 years but resigned after around a year and 2 months of doing so. I was very dedicated and hope to return to a similar standing in the community.
Currently as TS3 Staff I staff to the best of my ability on the teamspeak server and I'm a very reliable member of staff and the community in general. I'm on Teamspeak around 10-16 hours a day, and will be able to actively use my powers. During the time i'm online, I'm always talking and trying to help out!
I believe when it comes to experience I have the most among all of the possible applicants. As a former lead team member on every server throughout the community, a server owner, and teamspeak head administrator and forum administrator in the past it obviously shows I know what i'm doing and will be able to easily adapt to this position and be a great asset.
I'm a very trusted member of the community and servers. I've listed my previous and current ranks above, but trust is built off more than just ranks. Relationships between staff and players is one of my top priorities, but even just person to person is how I see it. Rank is just responsibility, the person and the attitude is what really matters when it comes to gaining trust with others. I've done my best to show I've improved since I've been back for the past 5-6 months or so, and I'd say its very noticeable how mucfh I've improved. I'm currently Lead Team on two servers, BHOP & SSRP, as well as Teamspeak 3 Staff on ZARP & FP.
Attitude is a big part of any sort of position and job, my attitude is always positive and I tend to seek out the positives in any situation. Most people aren't like this and with these powers I feel this sort of approach and attitude will prolong and exceed what the norm is for a staff position.
In any situation, i'm a very fair person and member of staff. This quality helped me get to the positions I currently hold. I always do my best to remain as a third party in situations and not be bias, i'll be able to help many more members of the community and represent myself as a fair Teamspeak Head Administrator.