First of all I want to thank you for reading this application!
Introduction Related
Steam Name:
Link to Steam Profile:
Current Gametracker Profiles:
Languages I speak:
Dutch (Native)
Ik ben Leopatra. Ik ben 14 jaar oud.
I am Leopatra. I am 14 years old.
A bit of French
Je suis Leopatra. J'ai quatorze ans.
A bit of German
Ich bin Leopatra. Ich bin vierzehn Jahre alt.
Admin Promotion Related
When it will be appropriate to use the ban command?:
It would be appropriate to use the ban command, when someone is using hacks.
It would also be appropriate if someone keeps being racist and disrespectful after several warns and mutes. For example:
Chat Log Example
Player 1: I hate all black people, they are all n**gers and they deserve to be slaves again!.
Leopatra: Do not be racist or you will be muted and warned!
Player 1: You are a dumb n**ger, I hope you will get cancer!
Player 1 has been warned by Leopatra for reason: Racism + disrespect
Leopatra muted Player 1 for Racism + disrespect
After a while Leopatra (me) unmutes Player 1 to give him/hey a second chance
Player 1: You stupid n**ger, dumb coward, die in hell!
Leopatra kicked Player 1 (Racism + disrespect)
After a while Player 1 rejoins
Player 1: Dumb f*ckin n**ger, I hope you will die very soon!
Leopatra: Told you to stop....
Leopatra banned Player 1 for 24 hour(s) (Racism + disrespect)
Explain any situation you had to work around in your time as a moderator. How could your promotion help this?:
Once I had to deal with someone who was mss disrespecting and kept on going after several verbal warns,an official warn, a mute and a kick. It would have been helpful to have acces to the ban command, so I could have banned the person for, for example, 24 hours.
Why I should be promoted:
I am trusted with admin powers; I have been
adminstrator on another Deathrun server before.
Also I am currently an adminstrator on ZARP TTT.
So I know how to use the, for example, ban ulx and
when to use it. I do also know how to handle
appeals/reports on the forum.
I have been pretty active the past week and
I will keep playing and I will try to keep improving it;
since I do not think it is perfect yet. But I do make the
4-hours a week easily.
-Friendly and helpful
I am friendly to other players and staff members. When
they are asking something I am always trying to help the
best I can. I am also respectful to other users and
staf members. Even when someone seriously insults
me, I keep on being respectful.
Thank you for reading my application!
I would love to hear your feedback, so I can improve on whatever you critize...
Have a nice day!