Server Applications Section
Forum Moderator
Steam Name:
Forum Name:
What server(s) are you active on?:
I am in fact active on the following servers: (click on the names for my gametrackers)
I am currently a TTT
Super Administrator and have been playing on TTT for nearly three months. I have enjoyed my time as staff greatly and you will practically always see me responding to TTT server applications.
I am currently a Prophunt
Super Administrator and have been playing on the Zarpgaming Prophunt server since its launch a few weeks ago. Like with TTT I really enjoy being staff there and you will practically always see me responding to the Prophunt server applications.
I have been formerly staff on: (click on the names for my game trackers)
I used to be a
Moderator on the Deathrun server around 2-3 months ago. I greatly enjoyed my time as staff but had to resign because of some issues. As of recently I have actually been considering to rejoin the Deathrun staff team but will probably not do so because I do not have the time. You might see me occasionally responding to Deathrun applications.
I used to be a
Moderator on the SSRP server around 1-2 months ago. I am afraid I barely spent any time actually staffing, but I had a fun few moments. Like with Deathrun you might occasionally see me responding to the applications for the SSRP server.
I am From:
I am from The Netherlands.
How often do you come on the forums:
I come on the forums extremely often. Whenever I can find the time you will see me responding to at least a post. Because of this, I make at least a few posts each and every day and my current post count in the past month is
695. One of the sections I post the most in is the Server Applications section, as I always want to keep a good connection between the staff team and the applicants. I always point out any mistake I can find in their application and try to help wherever I can.
Why You?:
I am extremely active in the Server Applications section. In the past month, I have posted 189 times in the section and in total (so since I joined 3 months ago) I have posted 330 times in the section. I always point out any and all mistakes I can find in their applications, trying to help the applicant in whatever way I possibly can.
I always respond to all applications for TTT and Prophunt, and you might see me responding to an application for one of the other game modes occasionally. I am also currently staff on both TTT and Prophunt and I have been staff on SSRP and Deathrun. I know what the staff team wants for answers to the questions and will be able to help the users if they're struggling or have made a mistake.