Steam Name:Xavidiaz11
Link to Steam Profile:
Link to GameTracker for the server:
Languages I speak:English, Spanish, Italian and basic russian.
Explain "Random Death Match" and give an example scenario:abbreviated is RDM, is the word that we use when a player ramdomly kills other players without valid reason or being an innocent and start killing people that is also innocent. Example: An innocent starts killing innocents with no valid reason like if it was counter strike.
Give three examples of an acceptable KOS and its scenario: KOS is kill on sight it means that you have to kill someone because of his past actions. Examples: when you see a guy killing another guy with a traitor weapon, when someone is killing ramdomly (or not) a lot of people and when someone is on a spot shooting with a sniper acting suspicious.
Give two examples of unacceptable KOS and their scenarios: Examples: when you see someone throwing a granade (that is not a valid reason to kill somebody, you have to investigate first). When someone is mic-spamming you mut him, you dont have to kill him. When someone has a different ideology and says things about his religion.
Why I should be chosen (longer answer expected here - at least 75 words): I have been playing here for a lot of time, i like this server, i think that i could be a good moderator because i am responsible and i know to handle all the difficult situations and reports. I was a moderator for a long time in the past and i know most of the commands, i was removed from the staff members because i did have a difficult university and for that i wasn´t active for 3 weeks, so i got removed of the staff membership.