RP Name: Microsoft Access
Time Zone: Greenwich Mean Time Zone
Link to Steam Profile:
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:49816657
Current Gametracker Profiles:
Server 1 -
Server 2 -
Server 3 -
Estimated Server Time: 200 Hours+ (i'd also like to add that I used to play on this server back around 2012 with another account, I am currently in contact with steam support who are trying to get it back)
Languages I speak: English
DarkRP Related
Explain "Random Death Match" and give an example scenario:
Random Death Match is probably one of the few rules you will always find on an RP server, without it, your server would just crumble. The concept of it is killing a character in a server without a valid reason. An example of this would be if EXHIBIT A pulled out a shotgun and killed EXHIBIT B for "not singing a song" this is an odd example but I have actually seen it happen quite a few times
Explain "New Life Rule" and give an example scenario:
New life rule is another rule that you must incorporate in your server, or as I said before, your server is going to crumble. The concept behind it is you may not go to that area you died at for a specific amount of time, however in Zarp, it's tweaked a bit. You may not go to the district you died at for 3 minutes. AN example of this would be if EXHIBIT A was killed in the Fountain district by EXHIBIT B, who was mugging him. EXHIBIT A then went back to the district he died at and attempted to kill EXHIBIT B, this would also be classed as an attempted revenge RDM, but you get the idea.
Explain how you would handle the following situation:
Player x accuses player y for RDMing him, the console log shows that player y killed player x.
I would take player x to a roof and ask him who RDMed him and I will check the logs to see who killed him. I would see if the player is still on the server and if they are I will bring them and ask them if they RDMed player x. I will hear their story and if it doesn't add up to what player x told me, I will ask player x for proof of this. If he shows me valid proof (a recording of the RDM happening) I will check player y's warn history, if he hasn't got any recent warnings, I will then give him a verbal and ask him to read the rules to assure this wont happen again. However if he has got a recent warning or warnings, I will warn him for RDM because he knew what he was doing. However is player x fails to show me proof, I will have to let both of them off because logs aren't counted as valid proof, I will then return both of them, while saying something like "have a nice day" to show the friendliness of the staff team. I will end the F1 after that.
Explain how you would handle the following situation:
Player x accuses player y for breaking NLR, the kills are pretty close together in console (a few lines apart) at a peak time.
I will bring player x to a roof and ask him what happened, I will then check the logs to see who broke NLR. I see player x killing somebody in logs then only a few lines later, player y killing player x. I will then bring player y to the sit and ask him for his side of the story, if it doesn't add up to player x's story, I will then ask player x for proof and if he shows me valid proof (a recording of player y breaking nlr) I will then check player y's recent warnings, if he doesn't have any then I will tell him not to do it again and briefly explain what NLR is and also what Revenge RDM is and give him a verbal warning. However if he does appear to have a recent warning or warnings. I will warn him and tell him not to do it again, I won't explain to him what NLR and Revenge RDM is, because he knew what he did wrong, however I would advise him strongly to read the rules. However if player x doesn't show me valid proof, I will have to let them both off and end the sit because logs aren't valid proof. I will return them both, while saying something like "have a nice day" to show the friendliness of the staff team. I will then mark the F1 as finished and return to my duties.
Why I should be chosen (we recommend around 150 words): I think that I should be chosen because I feel like I am qualified for the position, I am very well known on the servers and have been a part of the community for a long time. I am active on the server quite a lot however Wednesdays and Thursdays i'm not usually on because I have college then. I also have lots of staff experience on a handful of other servers. One or 2 of them were just servers my friends owned however a few of them were big servers. I was once staff on a Mexican border RP server, that might not sound like much but it was a 60pop server with a big lack of staff, so I was constantly under pressure and I got through it while keeping my cool and never made a mistake. Another reason, and my last is that I am friendly to other players.
I'd also like to add that I hope you take my application into consideration in the next meeting and also give this application a critical review. By the way I cannot play on SSRP everyday because I have lots of college work however when I have got free time to play it I will be on a lot