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What is Ghosting? and give an example:
Ghosting is when your dead and give alive runners information to give them an unfair advantage for example say in "deathrun minecraft pyramid" on the traps with the 50/50 portals if you were in spec you would fly and see what buttons have or havent been pressd to feed the information to the runners about what door to go through concequently enabling runners to skip those traps.
How would you deal with a disrespectful player?:
i would warn them and if they continue disrespecting i would mute them in chat and if they constantly disrespected i would notify one of the higher admins for them to make the final decision to ban or not.
Why I should be chosen:
i feel i should be chosen because although i havent played in this server for long i have quickly started to love the server and its members and i want to aid in helping the server stay alive and i feel i could add alot to the server