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What is Ghosting? and give an example: (Explain in your own words what ghosting is and give an example of ghosting) Ghosting is that u look what the death has picked when you are dead.
How would you deal with a disrespectful player?: (Explain in your own words how you would deal with a player being disrespectful towards another player or staff member.) i deal with disrespectful players , i mute them. And if they disrespectful really much then i mabye ban them in like 5 minutes or so.
Why I should be chosen: (Explain in your own words WHY we should chose you to become moderator or Admin, I should be chosen because im not disrespectful and im good at it and i just like doing it and why you should choose me because im really nice and stufff yea
.: what makes you stand out?: the most thing that makes me stand out is like if someone does something that isen't good or stuff like that!: What are good traits about you? i don't know exactly.