Steam Name:
Lachlan The Lemon
Link to Steam Profile:
Languages I speak:
How would you deal with someone who is being bullied on TS3?:
Fist off I would move them both into a spacer so know one can join then I would find out what the bully was saying if its was very bad and the guy has proof (like logs or video of it) I would ban maby for like 1 day this is for very bad
if its not bad I would give him a verbal warning I would ask if they could maby be in different channels. If he dose this again then it would be a ban.
Explain some of the administrative features of TS3 and when they're used appropriately:
Kick can be used in to difrent ways one of the two is kick from channel this will move them to the Lobby/Afk room the user can join the channel strate after the kick. This might be used if some one is playing music in the h1z1 room when
people have said they do not wont music played in this room you can kick them to the lobby and tell them to please use the music/karaoke room's. The other kick you can do as a ts staff is the kick from sever option. This is normally used when some one that you have given previous warnings to keeps disrespepting/mic-spamming etc you can kick them from the sever. This kick has no timer on it. The client can join the ts sever instantly after been kicked. You can use this command buy right clicking on the users name and clicking kick.
Ban is used to stop user from joining for the time that they are banned for. This might be when you have given some one mutable warnings and the keep doing what you have said not to do any more. A ban can last any where from 1 min to infant. You can use this command buy right clicking a users name and them clicking ban and typing in the time.
Joining locked channels and spacers:
As a team speak staff you can join locked channels and spacers. Joining locked channels might be used when you need to talk to some one that is in this channel. Joining a spacer might be used when you need to talk to some private. You can join these channels just buy clicking on the like join a normally channel.
Giving/removing ranks:
As a team speak staff you can give ts ranks and remove them. You might need to do this if you are training some one for mod and u need to give them mod Or if some one as reset there pc and lost of there ts3 bages then you can remove them buy right clicking there name clicking sever groups and then clicking the one you want to give them. If you want to remove a rank you click do the same but click the one that you want to remove.
Moving users:
As a team speak staff you can move users. This power might be used when you need to talk to some one privetly you can move them into a spacer. You can move a user buy right clicking and clicking move to my channel or dragging them to the channel that you want them in.
Why I should be chosen? (we recommend around 50 words):
I think that i should be chosen because I am a nice guy I am welling to help deal with rule breaking. I am on ts a lot so I can deal with probably lots. I am a trusted staff member as i have shown with darkrp. I have a different time zone to most of the ts staff and I am on a lot when there are only a few ts staff on.
Thanks for reading my ts3 staff app. If you have a few mins feed back is very helpful.