How would you deal with someone who is being bullied on TS3?: First of I would take the person who is being bullyed into a cspcaer and ask him whats gone on i would then move the bully into a speprate cspacer and ask what is going on and then i would move the person who is being bullyed into the same cpsacer as us and ask why he is bullying him i would place my view on if a ban/kick would have to come into play
Explain some of the administrative features of TS3 and when they're used
Move Client To Channel: This command is used alot in the ts3 server because alot of staff need to talk privately etc so this command is used alot
Kick Client From Channel: This command is used if someone is bullying or not welcome into that channel
Ban Client From Server: Ban from server is like banning from a gmod server but its on teamspeak, this command should only be used if the user has had warnings and a kick for that reason
Set Server Group: This command allows you to set a certain players group, for example if Bannann Boy got promoted to super-admin i can change his tag from admin to super-admin
Why I should be chosen? (we recommend around 50 words):
I believe that i should be chosen becuase i am always on the teamspeak server and that i have had to contact ts3 staff because i myself has been bullied.. And i had to pull a ts3 staff to come and deal with it.. I also have been in channel’s when users were getting bullied but because no ts3 staff was on .. and i was on.. This for theses reasons i believe i should be accepted
Thank you for taking your time to read my application, I hope to receive your approval and support, Thank you.
- Joshua
[TS3 Application] Joshua
7 years 9 months ago #477980
I don't see you as much as I'd like to if you're applying for Teamspeak staff, On rare occasions I see you in gang rooms or in meetings. Try to get more activity if it's possible.