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TOPIC: [TS3] Pitt's Application

[TS3] Pitt's Application 8 years 2 weeks ago #477866

Steam Name: Pitt #CM

Link to Steam Profile: steamcommunity.com/id/Convection/

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:80657775

Age: 19

Languages I speak: English

How would you deal with someone who is being bullied on TS3 :
Well the situations always vary and how they're being told can also vary. For instance, let’s take an example where user X pokes me saying he’s being bullied on TeamSpeak and wants to talk to me. I would then start writing the information I gather down so that I have the right information on what’s going on. I would talk to the user and ask what is exactly going on/who is doing this/when this occurred and why you possibly feel this is happening as this will sort the situation out quickly. Within the long talk with user X and finding out who’s doing what, with the solid evidence of who it is I would give a strong verbal warning as bullying is nothing to be tolerated in the slightest. If the “bully” carries on either targeting user X again or another fellow community player I would then address him with a ban. The hours of the ban would depend on the severity of the bully’s actions.
This is one short example of one way of dealing with it if that happen but there is many more situations that can occur, but hopefully this shows that I know how to deal with issues.

Explain some of the administrative features of TS3 and when they're used
appropriately: :

TeamSpeak 3 has many administrative features in which having the main ones;
Kick Client from Channel – This feature simply allows you to kick a user outside of the current channel he is in and to the Lobby/AFK Room. This is simply used when a user is clearly joining a channel to troll/mic spam/annoy others for attention, kicking them with the reasoning why would be a clear warning.

Kick Client from Server- Is a feature which allows you to kick someone out of the TeamSpeak in which they would need to reconnect. This may be considered as the same reason for kicking from channel and might not even be used.

Ban Client - This allows you to prevent a client from joining the TeamSpeak server within a period specified. This is to be used when the client has had warning after warning and clearly won’t listen, this would be used to prevent him within the time given.

Move Client to own Channel – This allows you to move a user from one channel to another. This is used for many reasons but more importantly if you want to talk privately with a user or they want to talk to you privately. This would be used so that you two are private and that the conversation remains between you two.

Delete Users Avatar – Not entirely sure if TeamSpeak staff are given this permission but if so then this allows you to simply take down the user’s current avatar. This would be used if an offensive/inappropriate avatar was uploaded

Why I should be chosen? (we recommend around 50 words): :

I believe I should be chosen as I’m currently an Admin for the Deathrun server and having the experience in dealing with all types of situations on going on the server. With knowledge in using the administrate powers within TS3 and knowing how to deal with different types of situations I believe I would be the perfect candidate for this. I’m an active member on TeamSpeak like I’m on the Deathrun server so dealing with issues would not be a problem and make it easier for me to deal with. After seeing my fair share of disrespectful trolls within TeamSpeak joining channels to troll and annoy others, I would like to stop them instead of interrupting others on TS to deal with them.
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[TS3] Pitt's Application 8 years 2 weeks ago #477868

I don't think I've ever saw you on Teamspeak bud when you've not just been on just solo for the meeting. I'd try to get more activity and apply again!
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[TS3] Pitt's Application 8 years 2 weeks ago #477876

Jordz wrote:
I don't think I've ever saw you on Teamspeak bud when you've not just been on just solo for the meeting. I'd try to get more activity and apply again!
He is actually on everyday, sometimes with me, sometimes in afk room, or some public channels.

Good luck with applying!
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Deathrun- Former Owner
TeamSpeak3- Former Staff
Forums- Former Section Mod- Deathrun- Server Apps
Changed name to HyperioN on Steam
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[TS3] Pitt's Application 8 years 2 weeks ago #477880

BiWx Voorhees wrote:
Jordz wrote:
I don't think I've ever saw you on Teamspeak bud when you've not just been on just solo for the meeting. I'd try to get more activity and apply again!
He is actually on everyday, sometimes with me, sometimes in afk room, or some public channels.

Good luck with applying!

Alright, I've just never noticed him so I'll wait until to the meeting to see who else is applying and then I'll post my verdict.
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[TS3] Pitt's Application 8 years 2 weeks ago #477884

Funny guy, nice voice :plussp:
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[TS3] Pitt's Application 8 years 2 weeks ago #477891

:zarp: good guy I see him everyday in TS he deserves it

Thumbs up
edit: thumbs down
edit: thumbs up
edit: i can't control it.
edit: am not a virgin
edit: pianist is a virgin and had no physical activity with another human being in the last 27 months due to alternative desire
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Last Edit: 8 years 2 weeks ago by hamad711.
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[TS3] Pitt's Application 8 years 2 weeks ago #478055

Active on ts, funny guy, know's the rules, good luck it's a :plussp: from me :D
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[TS3] Pitt's Application 8 years 1 week ago #481816

Great guy Very active and knows the rules good and you can laugh with him alot so itz a
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Ex TTT & Deathrun Super Admin
Ex TTT 4x ,prophunt 2x,murder,deathrun 2x Admin
>Steam Profile<

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