Steam Name: Bob The Shoplifter
Link to Steam Profile:
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:68688691
Age: 15
Languages I speak: Norwegian, English
How would you deal with someone who is being bullied on TS3?:
First i will bring
User nr 1 In to a private Room/Spacer and ask whats going on.
User 1 Tells me full story. I bring
Player 2(Bully) And ask him why he is bullying
Player 1.
Player 2 Does not stop bulling. If not i ban him for 1 day.
Explain some of the administrative features of TS3 and when they're used
BAN Bans people from server for a set amount of time. - Example Liam micsmaps and does not stop Bob bans for a day so Liam cannot join for set amount of time.
Kick Kick's Player for ts3 Server - Example R-flex calls Bob *******. Bob decides to kick as a punishment
Set Group Sets Player as group - Example R-flex gets Promoted from TTT Admin to TTT Superadmin. Bob sets R-flex's Group to TTT Superadmin when he gets trained.
Why I should be chosen? (we recommend around 50 words):
I Want to help the Zarp ts3 server as much as i can. Im alos very active on the ts3 and i want to help.
I have been staff of other ts3 server's so i know when to punish or not.
I like the ts3 Community.
Also we need more ts3 staff.
Hope u accept me <3