Steam Name: Dubbs
Link to Steam Profile:
Current GameTracker Profile:
Steam ID:
Age: 12 1/2
Languages I speak:
A tiny bit of French
A bit of German
What is ghosting? Give an example:
Ghosting is when one or even two people have died and if the runners are stuck on a trap (For example the glasses in the South Park Map) then the person or people who have died will spectate the death and tell the runner which button the death has pressed.
For Example:
Five people were playing on the South Park Map, their names being Bob, Bib, Beb, Bab and Bub. Bob, Bib and Beb were runners, whilst Bab and Bub were Deaths. Bib and Beb died on the first few traps and Bob bunny hopped past every single trap, only until he got to the glasses trap. Bob stood there, not sure which side to choose, and as Bib and Beb started getting impatient, they looked at the button which Bab had pressed and told Bob which side to go in. They then spectated Bub and once again, told Bob which side to go through. This little event caused the Deaths to lose their chances of winning, making the round unfair.
How would you deal with a disrespectful player?
If a player on the server was being disrespectful, I would give them a verbal warning. This would mean me saying something over the lines of "Please stop saying/doing that because if you don't there will be further consequences." If this player continues to say/do disrespectful things, I will warn them and mute/gag them for 5-10 minutes depending on what they've been saying. After that period of time, if the player hasn't learnt their lesson and carries on being disrespectful I will kick them "Please stop making me repeat myself, don't be disrespectful in any shape or form." If they rejoin the server and continue to be disrespectful, even after being muted, kicked, and warned, then I will contact a higher rank staff member to ban the player.
How you would deal with a player being disrespectful towards another player or staff member?
I would basically do the same if a player was being disrespectful to me. I would give them a verbal warning. If they continue to disrespect the other person I will warn them and mute/gag for 5-10 minutes. If they carry on disrespecting the other person I will kick them. Then if they join back and still continue to disrespect, I will contact a higher rank of staff to ban the player.
Why I should be chosen:
I think I should be chosen because I love to play Deathrun and interact with other players, whilst dealing with the players that disobey the rules. I like to stick to the rules as much as possible to keep the ZARP enviroment happy and safe. I will try my hardest to always do the right thing. I will look after everyone playing on the server when I'm online. Also, I will try my best at everything.
Thank you for reading my moderator application, hope you all have an amazing day <3