Steam Name: Spyro
Link to Steam Profile: link to my profile can be found here
SteamID: my steam ID is (STEAM_0:0:83463919)
Age: Im currently 16 but will soon be 17 on the 23 of December so not too long.
Link to GameTracker for the server:
Languages I speak: Currently i speak English and some french (managed to pass GCSE
i have had experience as a Moderator and Admin before on a previous server that has now disbanded so i will understand what my job is and how to do it.
Explain "Random Death Match" and give an example scenario:
RDM is a term used to describe against a player of the same team killing them without a legitimate reason; for example Player A begins shooting at Player B for no reason (baring in mind they are both innocents) Player B soon dies as of the actions of Player A randomly shooting Player B once Player B has been identified as an innocent and Player A has also been identified as a innocent it is rdm. |Rdm comes in other forms however such as a false KOS, randomly calling a kill order on a person with no legitimate reason, this can also be termed as RDM as there is once again no reason for this. RDM between traitors may occur but often it is accidental and due to one Traitor not seeing a C4
Give three examples of an acceptable KOS and its scenario:
an example of a legitimate KOS could be as simple as seeing a player kill someone else and then ordering a KOS on this person however it can differ to DNA in which the player may assume it has been rdm, it is then down to a mod to look at the logs and see if DNA was taken to settle the argument a final example of a acceptable KOS would be if a player is T baiting, for example refusing to go into the tester after the detective has ordered them to do so this is an appopriate reason to KOS
Give two examples of unacceptable KOS and their scenarios:
an example of an unacceptable KOS would be ordering a KOS on someone for there refusual to go in the tester when themselves were only an innocent and not a detective, this would be an unacceptable KOS, another example would be ordering a KOS on an area or type of gun for example the tower as it may be coincidencal that a player is at that place or has that gun it is a basis of guessing not factual information.
Why I should be promoted (we recommend around 100 words
I believe i should be promoted to being a moderator as i have been on this server for a period of time now and attend to it every day and fulfil the requirment of at least 4 hours a week, I have seen many situations that id like to take charge of and help settle as my experience has already taught me how to deal with certain situations such as arguments RDM ghosting mic spam and just intolerance. Im already a helpful member and will always answer and players questions to the best of my ability and i will continue to be this way if i am promoted, im seen as a friendly member of the community and have made friendships on the server, i have few warnings for my account and rarely rdm and on the occasion i do i am willing to take responsobility for my actions and accept the consequecnes .
I do hope you read my application and consider me for the role of moderator i promise to work to the best of my ability
Yours Sincerely Sam/Spyro