Steam Name: Gryph
Link to Steam Profile:
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:65231321
Age: 17, I’ll be 18 in less than a month
Link to GameTracker for the server:
Languages I speak: English only
Explain "Random Death Match" and give an example scenario:
Random Death Match is when a player randomly kills someone for no reason or with no sufficient proof of them doing a traitorous act, this includes killing on suspicion.
Give three examples of an acceptable KOS and its scenario:
1. If you see someone with a traitor only weapon and they have not called out that they got it from a dead traitor.
2. If you see someone murder someone and not check the body to confirm it’s a traitor (it’s important to not prematurely fire or KOS someone because they could be killing a T, though they should call a KOS to avoid confusion)
3. If everybody else alive is proven via tester you can KOS the odd man out, though you should be 100% positive they are proven.
Give two examples of unacceptable KOS and their scenarios:
1. KOSing someone off of location, for example, if you were to see someone run out of the tower on minecraft b5 and you find an unided in the middle that isn’t allowed or if you were to say “kos top of tower”, that’s too general and lacks sufficient proof.
2. KOSing someone because they defended themselves against an innocent and explained the situation, if you didn’t see it then you have to assume it’s true but you can still put suspicion on them.
Why I should be promoted: I made an application prior to this but was told I should get more playtime before I become staff so this is my reapplication now that I have a sufficient amount of playtime. Countless players and staff have told me to apply for mod so I thought I’d do just that. I’ve been staff on other servers, other games and for years so at this point it’s basically second nature to just carry myself like a mod. There’s often big gaps with no mods online and the amount of rdm that goes on was atrocious and since I live in a different time zone than most staff I would prevent that by playing when most staff would be asleep. I make a point to look at every single situation without bias, there’s nothing that infuriates me more than abusive staff on servers, so that’s one department you wouldn’t need to worry about and since I’ve already been staff on servers I already know how the system works and wouldn’t need much help getting started. I would be able to hit the ground running and I think I’d make a very valuable asset to the staff. It’s all worth noting that I’ve already been involved on the forums exposing people for ghosting as well as helping staff when people are breaking rules in game.