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RP Name: Juicy Mango
Time Zone: EST Standard Time Steam Profile Link: steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198128777967/ STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:84256119 GameTrackerProfile: Server 1 - www.gametracker.com/player/Brendon/darkrp.zarpgaming.com:27015/ Server 2 - www.gametracker.com/player/Brendon/darkrp.zarpgaming.com:27025/ Server 3 - www.gametracker.com/player/Brendon/usa.zarpgaming.com:27015/ EstimatedServerTime: 2weeks Languages I Speak: English What is RDM?: RDM "Random Death Match" is like when said player kills/murders a different player for no reason what so ever, the situation might also be the said player who kills the other player did not know the rule on the situation or again for no reason. This results in a warning What is NLR?: "New Life Rule" is when a Role Player dies and then cannot remember what happened in past life or go back to the district the Role Player died in. This results in a warning or verbal warning depending on player if it's a repeat offeneder give him a warning if its the first time you've spoken to this player about NLR teleport him to a different district and verbaly warn him. What is MetaGaming?: "Metagaming" Is when one transfers RP data to Non Role-play data, usually via OOC, for example asking on ooc or advert where the Nuke is or where someone is with a hit on their head or selling your location etc. If player x told me player y killed him and It stated in the logs he did infact kill him I would look at player y's job first and then the gun he used and see if he broke a rule there then if he did I'd talk to him about the rule on guns as that job and warn him. If he had a job where he can have that gun I'd ask player x what happened and if he said it had to do with chat I'd check chat logs and make sure times match with the murder. And if it were for no reason at all I'd ask player y why did you kill player x and I'd hear what player y had to say and if it was for no reason or a broken rule that lead to the killing I'd warn player y for RDM. Also there could be a situation where player x had a building sign with raidable entities and was in the wrong in some way then the tables would turn or if player x did not see that he had a hit on his head. There is 10s of different situations here and I know I'll have no trouble deciding what to do. If player x said player y broke NLR I'd first ask where this happened and I'd clairfy this by checking logs to see the district then if the times were close I'd see how close it is to spawn or mutant spawn if player y is mutant. If it is close to spawn I'd say that player y did break NLR and if it's far away from spawn then player y did not have time to get there in time to reach tims on logs. But in the situation that player x killed player y and then in close times in logs player y killed player x I'd warn player y for NLR and finish the F1 If player x called for help in OOC that his bank is being raided I'd first type in chat giving him a verbal warning to stop meta gamming and if he does not listen then I'd warn him for FailRP/MetaGamming Why should I be a ZARP Moderator?: With an honest answer I believe that I should become a moderator because first I've been preparing for this moderator position for almost 2 weeks which requires dedication and determination. That is not the only reason though, I have been moderator/admin on many games and garry's mod servers. That shows that I've been trustworthy and reliable, you won't catch me slipping up more than 2-3 times in one month. I know/understand the rules even though I've been warned/punished for breaking them but this does not fully display the outcome of my staff member carrer I understand why I was warned in the past and I admit to breaking these rules. This obsticle should not and will not stop me from having this position on the Zarp Community! I have many other strong suits such as being able to be on late or early and will be constantly responding to F1s so people don't use the phrase " Oh, I don't remember what I made my F1 about." when a staff member comes to me 20-30m after I made F1 it really disapoints me and I feel ZARP needs more staff that can do their job efficiently and diligently. If I become moderator I will be someone who people put I want Mango in the F1 and stay true tho that name for myself as a ZARP Community staff member and again be constantly responding to Role Players F1 and be punishing those rulebreakers! Stealing as DD warning by Clarky: I took one of his LSDs and he took me to a roof and warned me I was playing around but I understand I can't do this anymore and it is aginst the rules to do so, NLR: this one I have no excuse for this one and is completely on me for this one It was a dumb decition and I understand fully. |
Last Edit: 8 years 2 weeks ago by penE. Reason: reasoning of recent warnings
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Thanks for applying for staff at ZARP DarkRp! During our weekly staff meeting your application, question answers, game trackers and in-game warnings are checked and then the staff team votes on your application.
This time, the staff team have decided that you still need to work on your application and then apply again next week. To try and help you they have summarised some positives & negatives discussed during the meeting: Recent warnings You can apply again at any time, and thanks for supporting ZARP! |
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