Brandify's General Discussion
Moderator Application
Steam name
Forum name
I am 17 years old.
I am from
United Kingdom, Wales.
ZARP Related
What server(s) are you active on?
I'm currently active on all of the SSRP servers, TTT, Bhop and TS3 which I'm currently staff on all of the following servers.
Time spent with ZARP Gaming?
I've spent over a year now.
How often do you come on the forums
I come onto the forums everyday, I roughly spend 12 hours a day browsing the forums and often posting, I spend most of my time on the forums browsing the recent post looking for TOU breaking posts in which I will report to either global moderators or moderators for the section that the posts are in, the reason I'm on the forums a lot though is due to my current forum position, Appeals Section Moderator..
Why you?
There's a couple of main things why I should be chosen for staff, first of all I'm an SSRP Head Admin, which shows that I am a very trusted individual in this community, I am also pretty active in posting in this section, I'm often poking Global Moderators and section Moderators for this section particularly to move topics to other sections as this is the main sections newer users use to post in and sometimes they can get confused, I should also be chosen as I am a experienced forum staff member, I've held this position for over a month now and have done my utmost best to keep the appeals section neat and tidy, regardless of all of that I'm also staff across most ZARP services, excluding Deathrun this just proves that I am dedicated to the community and wanting to help improve it.
You should also choose me as I am extremely active, I'm always on Steam for people to contact me which is a very good things, because if topics need to be deleted or moved, or even locked then it can be by me, as I am easily contactable, I'm also mainly available on the times in which the current section Moderator is offline, and when other Global Moderators are offline, for example later on in the nights in the week days.
I'm also very trusted within the community hence why the position of Head Admin was given to me, including all other servers that I'm staff on, I also feel that this could help me in my experience as a current section moderator, taking moderator on in this section would give me new experiences that I don't experience as much in my current section, for example more TOU breaking posts and more moving of topics.
As previously said, I am very active in a wide range of servers, while playing these servers I am also maintaining staff positions on, I'm always trying to check the forums, this will also be very good as I can constantly keep an eye on this section that I'm applying for. While being active in the forums, I've never once received a forum ban, which can show that I'm very sure of the terms of use,
Current positions
As a SSRP Head Admin, TTT Admin, Bhop Admin and a Surf Super Admin, this section could really help me keep posts regarding servers that I'm staff on be put into the correct sections. If I was section moderator I would take more stress of Global Moderators so that they can focus on other sections.
Good luck to all other applicants applying, and hope to see you in game and the section.