Steam Name:
Link to Steam Profile:
Current Gametracker Profiles:
Keep in mind please that my time will most likely improve by the time the meeting starts and will look differently from now
Languages I speak:
Dutch - English - German - French
What is Ghosting? and give an example:
Ghosting is giving an unfair advantage towards alive Runners while you are not alive anymore. This unfair advantage will give a clear different outcome of how the map will be played and how it will end.
Map Helix - *DEAD* Player 1: The code is 359
Map Minecraft - *DEAD* Player 2: Its the right portal
How would you deal with a disrespectful player?:
Disrespectful players are often easy to identify by their harsh tone, voice, use of words and attitude. Still though, we as staff have to give everyone a fair chance and because of that I will start of by giving them a verbal/ingame chat warning (Not the command !warning). If the offender keeps going on with disrespecting people, I will gag/mute them and give them a !warning. Afterwards, when the gag/mute is over, he keeps continueing, I will use the command !kick *player* disrespect
Why I should be chosen:
I can imagine that people are a bit sceptic about my time but there is nothing to worry about. I have been staff on this exact server, an admin never the less and have got the expierence of working on this server with these people already. As always I would also like to add that I have been a Staff Leader (commonly known as a Super Admin), a Co-Owner of ''NeptuneGaming'' and PointShop creator of ''NeptuneGaming''. This means that I know and have expierence with using all the commands that are available, although I know a Moderator does not have all of them.
Thank you for taking your time to read my Moderator application!