Hello there, Congratulations on becoming a moderator I hope you enjoy being staff and below I will be teaching everything you need to know as a moderator.
1. At some point during your gameplay you will see in the bottom left of your screen
2. When step 1 occurs that means someone has made an admin request and as you are a staf member now it is your job to handle these requests to help out the users as best as possible. You will then need to press F1 and your new F1 Menu will appear as shown below
3. The tab that is open right now on the picture above is the admin request part that shows all current admin requests and the time that it was started at by the left side.
4. The warning tab shows all the recent punishments on players since that session has been up
5. Logging is the general logs that shows kills, deaths, hits Etc.
In the top right you can search for names to narrow it down for yourself
6. Active NLR tab is pretty self explanatory it shows all player with active NLR and what district
/warn (SteamID)(Reason)
/kick (SteamID)(Reason)
How to use tab commands
1. If you need to TP to someone, Hold tab and then find their name and click "Goto"
2. If you need to bring someone to you, you can hold tab and find their name then click "Bring" or "Teleport" when clicking teleport make sure you aim where you want the person to appear at
3. Unbanning people from jobs. Hold tab then Click "Unban from job" Then select the job to unban them from.
4. Slaying, You should only slay people when they need to be stripped of their weapons for any reason and they wont drop the weapons. Also make sure to use a silent slay in public areas so you don't disturb other peoples RP experience.
5. Muting people, When muting people you should only really mute them for constant disrespect and micspam or any other constant use of communication
"mute chat" Mutes the users chat users types in
"mute globaly" mutes the users local voice chat
6. Then after a sit is finished you will then need to mark the F1 as finished then return the player by clicking "back" on the tab menu then selecting "last location" or "spawn"
F6 Menu:
Last but not least the F6 menu. As a staff you also get access to another menu called the F6 menu
In the F6 menu you can check peoples recent warning to help guide you to the correct punishment for the users that you deal with
Thank you for reading this quick step by step guide. I hope that the guide above helped you..
If you have any more questions please feel free to contact me on steam