Steam Name:
ⓟⓤⓖ ☢
Link to Steam Profile:
Link to GameTracker for the server:
Languages I speak:
Explain "Random Death Match" and give an example scenario:
Random Death match AKA RDM is when someone kills another player(s) for a non valid KOS reasons such as:
John sees Pug.Pug has a Turtle playermodle and john KOSes Pug for having the turtle suit on.
Give three examples of an acceptable KOS and its scenario:
1.Pug calls a KOS on Jamie as he saw him kill the detective.
2.Pug gets shot by Tyler and calls a KOS on tyler.
3.Pugs throws and incendiary grenade and hits Jamie then Jamie calls a KOS
Give two examples of unacceptable KOS and their scenarios:
1.John throws a smoke and jim KOSes him.
2.Jamie is AFK and Pug kills him.
Why I should be chosen (longer answer expected here - at least 75 words):
I should be chosen as staff as i am trusted with powers on
SSRP-Semi Serious Role Play and i was staff on Deathrun for 6+months.
I am gradually becoming active on the server and following the rules.As far as i know of i have not broken any rules.I try to make everyone follow the rules on the server even when im not staff.
Im very friendly and are willing to help the server as much as possible.I would greatfully benefit from being staff on TTT as i can help out all of the players to the best of my abilitys!I am willing to stay loyal to the server and try to benefit the servers with Rulebreakers,Suggestions (Trying to keep TTT Alive) ECT
I have until sunday and i will continue to be as active as possible on TTT
Leave any feedback below soo i know what to improve!