Dallas' Moderator Application
Steam Name:Dallas
Link to Steam Profile:steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198140414428/
Link to GameTracker for the server: www.gametracker.com/player/Dallas/play.zarpgaming.com:27017/
Languages I speak: English, decent French, Decent Spanish, Decent Latin.
Explain "Random Death Match" and give an example scenario: Random Death Match - Also known as "RDM" is a action where the player shoots another player for no good reason, a good reason to kill someone would be - If they walk over a unidentified body, you see them shoot another player unprovoked, you see them place some sort of traitor trap ect.
Example: Player X looks at Player Y with a shotgun, Player Y does not do anything and Player X shoots Player Y in the face. They later find out Player X is innocent, and he had no proof to shoot Player Y.
Give three examples of an acceptable KOS and its scenario:
If a player holds a traitor weapon, without calling it out that he picked it up.
If a player kills someone that you see. And you find out the person they killed is a innocent.
You see a player throw some sort of damaging grenade - Such as a incendiary into a group of people.
Give two examples of unacceptable KOS and their scenarios:
There is a person with a "Squeaky" voice - so another person KOS' them.
Someone is looking at you with a gun out and they haven't shot it or provoked you.
Why I should be chosen (longer answer expected here - at least 75 words):
Well, as we are trying to revive TTT, im seeing alot of players on and this is allowing me to build activity and time on the server. There are no staff currently active on TTT, other than Morgan and Jeros, those are the 2 i have seen, so it would be nice if we could get more staff members to help staff the server when players are online. More staff will probably lead to more players joining, as it is well staffed and people wont be able to break rules without being punished. Ive been enjoying my time on the TTT server, and im sure to play alot more! PS: I love you Jeros.
Thanks for reading my app. <3