Steam Name: Yoda
Link to Steam Profile:
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:78069553
Age: 15
Languages I speak: English russain and hebrew
How would you deal with someone who is being bullied on TS3?
First of all ill talk to the bully and make him stop and tell him that if some one bullys him how would he feel, then ill go to the 1 who gettin bullid take him into a spacer and ask him how does he fell and tell him not put attention about what happend and just keep goin, and ask him if he wanna talk
Explain some of the administrative features of TS3 and when they're used
Kick from server- it kicks him from the TS server
When some one is disrespecting/spam way too much after i told him not to do it and its the 2-3 time he does it then ill kick him
Kick from Channel- Kicks him from the Teamspeak room
When some one is Afk too much or disrespected/spammed once or twice after i warned him not to do it then i can kick him.
Ban client - basically it bans the person from the TS for how much time u choose
ill use it when some one is mass disrespecting or spamming after i warned him 3-4 times before
Mute client-Mutes the person voice in TS so he cant talk
and ill use it when some one is Spamming with voice chat and he didnt stopped after the first warn
Moving some one into other room/spacer-u drag a person to where u need to
ill use it when theres a meeting and u need help to move ppl or some one wants to talk in private
Delete avatar-Delete some ones avatar
ill use it when some one got a Racist/offensive or any harassment picture ill remove it
Why I should be chosen? (we recommend around 50 words).
I should be chosen because im a Friendly guy and i think i can help in that section, i come online almost every day on Zarp TS. i got my own gang's TS and i built ranks and all of that and im usin the same commands when its needed.
Plus im Staff on other 2 servers in zarp(Deathrun & SSRP admin) so im trusted with powers.
Yours Yoda!