How ZARP Staff are Chosen
A lot of people are unhappy with having their staff application rejected. The problem though is that people don't understand the process we go through to choose who gets accepted and who gets rejected. For example, despite the general assumption things like recent warnings are not instant rejections!
The only instant rejections are:-
-The applicant is currently banned
-There is no way to identify the applicant as their steamid is wrong or hasn't been provided
Hopefully this will clear up exactly how people are accepted or denied and help you to become staff in the future.
Step 1:
The applicants name is shown along with links to their gametrackers and application.
Step 2:
Staff are asked if they've had any contact with the user, what they're like as a person, how they are in sits and any other general information you have.
Step 3:
Recent warnings are checked going back 3 weeks, each warning is looked at and discussed. Usually if the member of staff who gave the warning is at the meeting they're asked about how the applicant reacted to the warning and they handled being a sit.
Step 4:
Gametrackers are looked at to get a general idea of the applicants activity.
Step 5:
The application is looked at and discussed, mentioning any points which are impressive and detailed or incorrect and rushed. The effort in the application is a good guide for how much that person wants the staff position.
Step 6:
Staff are asked for any other comments or information they have about the applicant.
Step 7:
A poll is given with simply a Yes or No option, the staff then vote anonymously based on all of the information they've been given and their own experiences with the applicant
Step 8:
After all votes are in and there's a majority decision staff are given one last chance to object to the decision and put forward a case got it being incorrect. If their case is accepted and may change the outcome of the vote, a second poll is created. The case may also be denied in which case we move on to Step 9.
Step 9:
The applicant receives a reply on their application from Morgan telling them the decision. If it was rejected, they're given a brief reason it was denied.
Step 10:
Staff continue to repeat this process with the very long list of other applicants.