I have posted my review on a previous application which is similarly to your's (potbal) who copied it.
Some things of which will follow may be the exact - I'm not lazy.
The application can be made more appealing by using BBCode.
Layout the application as seen in the template and then do your own creativity from then on.
Head the paragraphs for easier read.
Missing the following:
Explain "Random Death Match" and give an example scenario.
Explain "Metagaming" and give an example scenario.So MetaGaming is when X says hey where is {someone} Then Z says in ooc,Skype or steam chat {Location}
Give a general definition of the term "Metagaming".
Skype and Steam Chat wouldn't be considered metagaming due to the fact that they still act as private messaging and whatnot.
Explain "New Life Rule" and give an example scenario.New Life Rule which means if someone kills another person then they return after the two mins that is breaking NLR.
This sentence could use tweaking. I assume you were to say three minutes, but even then, that wouldn't be breaking NLR as NLR is over.
Could explain NLR more clearer.
-Give a scenario
This section that you've typed:e.g here is what i would do I would bring them to a roof of a not crowded area solve the problem give a warning if it is serious and if not serious i would give verbal.If the person(s) do not learn and keep making the same mistake i would talk to a experienced admin and tell them about the problem and find the right punishment/solution.
Was not needed but whatever.
Player x accuses player y for RDMing him, the console log shows that player y killed player x.So X kills Z For no reason
Read the question carefully.
You can add in more detail such as evidence etc.
Player x calls for help in the OOC chat because his bank is being raidedSo someone says in ooc Help me my bank is being raided I would wait until the raid is over
An alternative can be just to verbally say in PM chat to not use the wrong chat channel.
Estimated time on zarp: Well I have Homework so i come home homework takes around half an hour then i play zarp for around 3-5 hours.
This doesn't ask you how regularly you play on Zarp, but the estimated amount of gametime spent on the SSRP servers which you can find in the gametrackers.
Maybe if you have a hard time deciding i should me moderator maybe you could give me a 1 day trial and test how i could help.
There are no moderator trials in Zarp.
Disclaimer: This was a long post, and I might have messed up some stuff. I was multitasking and had several tabs opened at the time and currently.