Name Miro xxx
Link to Steam Profile Here
SteamID STEAM_0:0:38147074
Current Gametracker Profiles Yes boss
Age 16
Estimated Server Time 21Hours, i'll get it up some more.
Languages I speak
Swedish, Farsi, German, English
Bhop Related
Someone new joins the server, explain how you would show them how to B-hop.
First i'd ask them to spectate me so i can demonstrate what we are looking to do. After this i'd tell him Bhopping is strafing but back and forth.
*Explaination starts here*
If you hold down your jump button by defualt Space you will jump which means we can just hold down one button instead of spamming our jump button. Now to bhop you turn with your keyboard and your mouse simultaneously. Which means if you are going to strafe to the right you hold (by defualt) A and then move your mouse to the right. Same thing goes for left but instead you hold your (By defualt) D button and move your mouse to the right. Also when you're bhopping dont hold W it'll just make it harder.
Explain what you would do if someone was Text/Mic Spamming
First off i'd tell them to stop spamming (verbal warning) and if they dont already know i'd tell them what they are doing wrong. If the player continues i would mute/gag them. If they continue to spam on other accounts i'd contact an admin+ for further punishment.
Explain how you would deal with someone using an exploit on the server
First i'd tell them what they are doing is not allowed and can lead to punishment. If they continue to use the exploit i would contact an admin+ and let him take the decider for the punishment
Why I should be chosen (we recommend around 75 words)
Im currently really enjoying bhopping and would like to do my part in helping the server out for the better. I usually bhop at very late times when there isnt any staff on and if i can be on at times other staff isnt on i feel that i'll contribute to the community. I have alot of Bhop experience from CSS but sadly not much of staff experience! I'd like Zarp to take my staff virginity.
Extra Information: (Not Required)
These coding things are really hard dayum