UltraBagel's Administrator Application
RP Name
|SM-M| UltraBagel, front tag subject to change.
Link to Steam Profile
Current Gametracker Profiles
Server 1 -
Server 2 -
14 Years Old, turning 15 in March.
Estimated Server Time
115 hours, some hours without score are unrecorded
(gametracker updates time when score increases/decreases).
Languages I speak
Sorry, that's all I know.
Explain how you feel that your time as a moderator will contribute to you becoming an admin.
As a moderator, from the moment I started my training, I tried my best to get the F1s down on the server by handling situations swiftly (not rushed, but quick enough so players don't moan over the time taken) and doing them effectively so that action is taken properly. For most, if not all of my sits, I try to explain to the player what they may have done wrong, or did do wrong, and either leave them off with a warning, or just a verbal warning (depending on past warns, attitude, etc). What I'm trying to say is that I make sure players understand everything in a sit, and not be confused as I deal with players. As a prior user, I know how this feels, and I try to make the situation as easy as possible for people to understand.
To make things short, I deal with F1s well and in large amounts, with efficiency.
Explain a situation as a moderator you encountered that was an obstacle you had to work around (EG: defiant user).
On teamspeak, there was a player who made an appeal on the forums about a situation that an admin seemed to just be confused on, and banned this player for three weeks (this banned player will remain anonymous unless asked to be named by a staff member who needs it). After looking at their appeal, and nobody was online, I told them that they seemed to be good, and I would accept their appeal, but I was only moderator.
As the result of that, the player got very confused and started to lash out at me. His appeal was well written and seemed to be done with honesty, effort, and apology. He questioned to me why I was even staff if I weren't going to handle the situation effectively, which got me enraged, but I kept a cool temper and tried my best to keep him/her calm, and knowing that an admin will review their appeal, and I as well told him that if I can't give my opinion, then even at that point, the admin would probably accept it.
So, as an administrator, I feel that this situation wouldn't have happened at all, because I would be able to handle the player well, and unban him for his great appeal. As a moderator, I cannot handle the task of accepting or denying people's appeals, and it could get players mad. As an administrator, I want to keep players safe, knowing that they did well on something, and proof to show it. That proof is accepting their appeal.
While there are other stories that go along the lines of things like Mass RDM, I feel this one speaks the best.
If you had to write a facebook post to train a moderator in between 200-300 words, what would you say to give them the full grasp?
Hello, and welcome to the Zarp staff team! We'd like to thank you for applying and making it to the SSRP team, but before we let you off into the moderation world, here are the commands you'll be using for dealing with players:
/goto <playername/steamid>
This will make you go to whatever player you put after the /goto command, may put you inside of walls. Use this when dealing with a player or his/her F1 request.
/bring <playername/steamid>
Will bring the specified player to your location, including when they're dead. Use this for when players die while dealing with a request.
/tp <playername/steamid>
This command will either send you (if you don't specify a name or ID) or the specified player to the location on your crosshair, used when getting players unstuck or going to rooftops.
/warn <playername/steamid>
Warns a player with a written record of what they did, along with it showing up in administration chat. Be sure to specify why you are warning them in the reason!
/unwarn <playername/steamid>
Unwarns a player for any specific reason. Opposite of /warn
/freeze <playername/steamid>
Freezes a player, restricts them from moving, turning, or shooting. Most actions aren't able to be done except for 'kill' in console.
/back <playername/steamid>
Puts a player back to their last location, this will be the place they were before the latest teleport, so teleport wisely! Add 'spawn' after 'back' to put them back at spawn.
/mute <playername/steamid>
Mutes a player, player may not talk via text or voice, use when disruptive players be 'annoying' in sits!
The F1 Menu
First Tab: Shows all F1s that have been requested, handle them as you wish, has commands that you'll need like /goto.
Second Tab: Shows warned players, who they were warned by, total warns, everything you'll need for warning.
Third Tab: Shows logging of all player's actions like kills, job switches, etc.
from the time you joined the server.
The F6 Menu
Shows all punishment actions done to a player. This includes warns, jails, etc. with the reason provided.
Explain how you would handle the following situation:
Player x appeals their ban in great detail, apology and effort. You check the ban list and find that you banned them permanently for propspam, and that this is their first ban. How would your response to the appeal be?
(Text in reply)
x, you were banned a while ago for prop spam, but that seems to be the first time you've done it. Through your effort in the appeal and not rushed style, the staff team has decided to unban you from both servers because you actually are trying to come back to the server for fun, not havoc. Keep in mind, that if you do this again and it's clearly intentional, you will have a much harder time appealing the ban.
Accepted, player will be unbanned, please lock.
Why I should be promoted (we recommend around 150 words).
I've decided to break this down into several categories, like I did in my moderator application.
As a staff member, if I decided one day that I won't RP as much, or just travelling around looking for bases, I head over to the F1s and see who needs to be helped. I don't do them only from time to time when I feel like it, I do it when I should do so, and not doing anything else. While doing F1s, I focus solely on the F1, and mute other things that could be distracting like Teamspeak, Skype, whatever I'm using.
I also help other staff with events. While I can't really manage my own, as I don't have permissions or enough commands to do so, I help the staff team with prize pooling, teleporting players, and other things that involve events. I make sure to stay around to catch rule breakers in the event, and point them out to the staff team (if it comes to that point).
My attitude towards players, as it wasn't 100% perfect when I applied for moderator, is now nearly perfect. In a sit, when a player chooses to be disruptive or becomes enraged, I'm able to keep the player at a level stable enough so that he/she can actually understand the situation, and know that nobody's a terrible addition to the staff team. I'm also able to keep my cool during a sit too. If a player chose to interrupt me while I speak to another player, I don't lash out at them and warn them immediately, I tell them what they did wrong, which was interrupting the sit, and if they do it again, I will have to mute. The same applies to one killing in a sit with no reason at all., but I would warn them instead.
Contribution to Zarp
As for actually contributing to Zarp, I have not only donated for VIP, but I also contribute ideas, items, etc. to the higher staff team for further use in the development of the Zarp servers. If there's anything a staff member should do, it's bettering the server as a whole, and not only bettering themselves as a staff member. I don't have much else to say about this topic, so that's that.
As an administrator, I plan on keeping my dedication to it's fullest, and keep my attitude as high as possible towards other players, other staff, and myself. On top of that, I wish to contribute more than I do now to the Zarp development as a whole, and make sure that other players have the same experience that others do.
Thanks for reading my application. If you didn't enjoy it, here's a picture of my cat: