Real Name - Joseph Cheetham
Country - England
Birthday and Age - 12th of June, I am currently 14
Total Playtime - Not too long, but enough to be accustom to the rules, around 1-2 weeks, this has been only 1 server though, the RP, ever since I was introduced to it by Veritas I loved the server, it was one of the best RP servers I'd ever found.
In-Game Name: Joe2point0
Account Name: Joe2point0
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:47160188
What server do you wish to get a rank on(only 1 server)? - I only want to get a rank on the DarkRP Server, the map is Downtown.
Languages: I speak English and a little bit of German (only enough for basic conversations).
Have you ever been an administrator/moderator on any other communities? - No, but I am usually one to call an Admin or moderator if someone is breaking any rules and no one else has already.
Purpose as an administrator/moderator - I would like to become an admin because I like to create fair and enjoyable experiences to anyone that wants to play with me, I don't judge people until they have actually committed some sort of 'crime' in front of someone. I want people to be able to enjoy such a great server, just as I have, and to be able to get rid of any propkillers/climbers/blockers as soon as possible so they can continue with their playing experience. It also really gets to me when I see players running around breaking rules, and just because there are no admins online, they pretty much get away with it.
Explain what RDM and NLR is -
RDM: RDM is Random Deathmatch. This is basically when a player is killing other players with no reason or connection to RP, e.g a guard kills a citizen on the street without the citizen alarming/harming the person being guarded.
NLR: NLR is New Life Rule. This means that once you have died in-game, you forget everything that happened in your past life and cannot return to the place you died or harm/interact with your killer for at least 3 minutes(except in certain circumstances when someone has died through fall damage or propkilling themselves by accident).
Punishments for breaking rules:
NLR: For breaking NLR I would begin with giving the player a warning(in case he/she wasn't aware he/she broke the rule), if it was done again I would kick the player, and if it was done a third time it would result in a ban.
RDM: For commiting RDM I would begin with a warning(except in some cases where the player is killing loads of people for no reason, in which case I would skip straight to kicking him/her), then if it was repeated I would kick the player, if it was done again, it would result in a ban.
Do you have a microphone? - Yes, and I would use it when addressing a player that was breaking the rules(provided he/she could hear me)
Can you be online at least three/four days a week, and be online at least a few hours those days? - Yes, when I go on the server I usually play for a good 3-4 hours , and play around 3-4 times a week.
Are you older then 13? - Yes, although I am quite young, I am considered quite mature among my friends when I need to be.
I understand that if I don't follow the rules myself, I will get demoted and banned if needed.
I understand that I should respect all players.
Extra Info - I have been told 1 or 2 times that I have been breaking rules (such as killing raiders as a medic) by admins. Not to sound like a suck up or anything, but I have looked through the rules properly since then and try my best best to follow them. I also just want to say that the RP is server is pretty much my favourite out there, I just find that it's really well done and I will continue to play on it thoroughly, even if this request is denied.