Luclamus wrote:
I have to admit, when I read the app, I'm so used to the grammatical issues people commonly use, I just read it like normal.
In the short play time I can vouch for at least maybe 5-7 hours a day. (because that's how I play) He's had more than 25 hours on ZARP when he made this app. He had to have, because he'd be on well past when I sign off.
Scottie, you are one malicious bastard when it comes to the grammar. And I'm scared of you.
Do you have a microphone?
Can you be online atleast three/four days a week for atleast a few hours those days?
Are you 14 or higher?
If you don't follow the rules yourself you will get demoted and banned if needed you understand, you will dedicate to a training program and have answered each questions personally. Copied applications will be denied at once. Do you understand?
Will you respect all players in both respect as disrespectful behaviour?
No interpunction nor capitals anywhere, allot of spaces comma's etc were messed up as well.
Not such a big deal at all, but don't rate yourself 10/10 unless your name is Albert Einstein.