Steam Name: yellowkoala14
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SteamID: STEAM_0:1:86947187
Age: 13
Languages I speak: danish/english
What is Ghosting? and give an example: ghosting is a way to give false/true information that can change the resultat off the round. for an example on minecraft at the portals, at the end at the first row of traps the death choose right portal to be death and then a death runner gives away which one is dead or survive. if i saw or heard anyone ghost i would give him a verbal warn first but if he keeps going i would then gag/mute, and then give a warn and if he kept going i would kick. if he then joins back and keeps going i would give one more warn for not stopping when i say so or for gag/mute avoid. and then i would either call a admin or make a ban apply on the forums
How would you deal with a disrespectful player?: if a player starts being disrespect full i would first say stop if he kept on going i would give a warn and gag/mute him if he would keep on going i would screenshot it and send it to a admin so he could ban and if no admin available i would go ahead and make a ban apply to the player on the forums page. But if the player is being disrespectfull with spray i world first give a verbal warn/tell him to change spray But if he didnt do that and kept on making the spray i would give him a warn and then slay the person. If hr world keep maling the spray i would first call a admin to Ban him, if no admin available i world make a Ban Apply on forums for disrespect
b]Why I should be chosen:[/b] the reason why i should be chosen would be because of my loyalty to this server and i really wanna make a difference on this server so i can make it clean for rulebreaking and i will give the correct warns,slays and bans i will help others and make a lot of keybinds to help people and make sure that we have no rulebreakers on the servers. i always wished to be a mod i have no recent warns or any recent bans i will do anything to keep up and play every single day on the different zarp servers as i do now